It's ok |c.g|

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Delia has been stressed recently with work so I decided to do something nice for her. I made her favorite meal for lunch and I'm on my way to bring it to her. I smile widely as I get closer and closer to the door. I can't wait to see the look on her face I think as I knock on the door.

"For fucks sake y/n can you just give me a minute?!" I stood there silently as I stared at the door to her office. My eyes traveled down to the plate of food I made for her that delicately rested in my hands.

I glanced up quickly as the door flew open and I met her eyes. "I-" she starts, "it's ok, I'll give you a minute" I say distantly as I reach my hands out to hand her the plate. She takes it and I walk away silently going to the guest room and locking the door.

I go into the en-suite and look in the mirror before beginning to cry. The house is quiet, not a sound to be heard until... footsteps. I gather myself as quickly as I possibly can. At least enough to where she won't be able to hear my desperate cries through the door.

"Honey... I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to yell" she says after knocking on the door and not receiving an answer. I still don't respond and I hear the door lightly bump against the frame making it known that she's leaning against it. "I don't know what's wrong with me" she sighs on the other side.

I carefully walk towards the door and sit with my back leaning against the wall right next to it. "I know how you are when it comes to yelling and still... I really can't help but to fuck things up can I? I'm not sure if you're even listening, but I hope you know I never meant to hurt you. I said I never would and yet I did anyway. Intention aside, I'm so so sorry darling" she voices and I can hear the subtle cracks letting me know she's crying.

I reach my hand under the door and search around until I feel something. The sensation causes her to move abruptly but then I feel the warmth of her hand approaching mine. Until finally our fingers meet and we both sigh.

I move my hand to unlock the door and soon after she opens it. She looks down at me sadly and joins me on the floor. She takes on of my hands brining it up to her mouth to kiss it gently. "I love you, baby. I'm so sorry I've been so busy and stressed lately. I hate being away from you and even worse I hate making you feel like this" she sniffles.

"I understand just... please don't yell at me again" I say quietly. She rests her forehead against mine and gives me a sweet kiss. "You are a saint for putting up with my shit" she says, "and you, mine" I chuckle. I heat up her food and watch as she digs in with a wide smile.

The rest of the night is filled with kisses and loving words.

S.P. One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora