All Dolled Up 1/2 |c.g|

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I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling as if it's the Michelangelo painting in the Sistine Chapel. There's nothing wrong per-say but I just feel like shit. Then again, what's new? A knock on the door causes my thoughts to cease but I don't make an effort to move or speak. "Y/n?" I hear her soft voice as the soft light from the hallway begins to illuminate my abyss of a room.

I grumble letting her know that I'm actually in here. She leaves the door cracked for a little bit of light and walks over to sit on the edge of the bed. "Hi sweetheart" she says with a sympathetic smile as she rests her hands in her lap. I give her a quick forces smile so she knows I'm still somewhat sentient.

"Are you hungry? I haven't seen you all day" she says sadly and I just shake my head. "What can I do to cheer you up? I hate seeing you like this" she sighs glancing over the vague silhouette of my body hidden under layers of blankets. I lightly shrug in response, I don't really think there's anything anyone can do. "How about you do my makeup?" She suggests and I look at her like she's completely insane.

"It's 11pm... your makeup is already done anyway" I mumble my first words of the day. I mean her suggestion was just too ridiculous to not respond too. "I know... but it's easy to take off and I know you're more active at night anyway" she continues. "Delia I really-" "it wasn't a suggestion. Come on... for me? It'll make me smile" she says in a teasing sing-song voice.

I mean I can't resist her smile... I hate that she knows how much of a hold she has on me. "Am I gonna have to carry you?" She asks raising an eyebrow and I sigh before catapulting myself to a sitting position. "Atta girl" she says jumping up and reaching out her hand to help me. She leads me quickly to her room and shuts the door before taking us over to her vanity.

"Just wait here, I need to wash my face so it's all clean" she says. I wait silently for her to get back and within a few minutes she's bare faced and approaching me. The only canvas I've ever seen best left blank I think while admiring her features. "Alright I'm ready" she says once she's close and I stand up to allow her to sit. I hesitantly grab some eyeshadow and a brush to apply it.

"Sit on my lap" she says bluntly and I look at her for a moment trying to hide my shock. "It's just easier so you're not having to bend over" she says softer this time. I oblige nervously and her hands slide around my waist to pull me down gently. "You're not heavy, don't worry" she says genuinely and I smiled shyly. I already have the palette and brush in my hand so I reach up to start. Her eyes flutter closed, I don't know how she keeps so still all the time.

My anxiety could NEVER. I shake off my thoughts and begin to delicately apply the eyeshadow. I see the corners of her mouth lift to form a soft smile which makes she smile too. Once I'm down with that I reach around to grab the concealer and foundation along with a beauty blender and flat brush. I clean up the mistakes I made with the eyeshadow and lightly cover her face. She really doesn't need makeup at all, her skin is perfect so I just apply it in very small amounts.

She opens her eyes as I'm analyzing her face, not even for the makeup. I just love staring at her, it always manages to calm me. Her eyes meet mine and I turn around to grab blush and the brush for that as well as mascara. I'm always surprised at how much my hands can hold at one time. Guess that's one of the perks of being a woman, have to make due with no pockets. That's why I always wear pants, anywaysss.

I turn around and catch her staring at my chest and her eyes travel up slowly to my face. This HAS to be my imagination. I stare at her for a moment, she's the first to look away effectively releasing me from a trance. I begin applying the blush in light strokes and then the mascara. I seem to come back to reality and feel a sensation on my waist. I glance down to see that her hands have never left my sides.

She slowly strokes them up and down in an almost circular motion as well. I look back to see her eyes are still closed so I continue applying the mascara. Once I'm done I pull away and look at the finished product. Her eyes open and she stares at me through hooded kids. She must be so tired.

"I'm done" I say quietly since were so close and she grins. Her hands haven't stopped moving on my waist and I begin to shift before attempting to get up. Emphasis on attempting because my body simply will not allow me to move. My breathing picks up, barely noticeable even to me. "You're so beautiful" she whispers tracing my face with her eyes. I look down to my lap, well her lap too. Her hand slowly reaches my chin and raises my head forcing me to look her in the eyes.

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