Don't you love me? |w.v|

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I was in the middle of writing aggressively in one of my many notebooks when my girlfriend came home. I continued to write fiercely which is quite ironic considering it's a pretty sappy poem. I got lost in thought on one of the lines and didn't notice she poked her head in the room.

"Love?" She says as she approaches me, my brain seems to click back into place and I slam the notebook shut. "Hi, darling" I say standing up to slip it back into my little safe. She frowned at me and eyed the box as I locked it again then looked at me. "What's that?" She asks pointing to the lockbox as I walk closer to her.

"Nothing, baby. Don't worry" I say smiling and going in to kiss her. She dodges it and continues to glare at me, I pout and try to move closer. She moves away again making me huff and stare her down. "Why are you acting like that?" I ask her annoyed and she just stares at me. It's silent for a moment as we just look at each other until she starts to tear up.

"What's wrong, baby girl? Tell me" I said approaching her again. This time she didn't move but I could tell she still didn't want to be touched. "D-don't you love me?" She asks shakily, I tilt my head at her a frown slightly. I know she has trust issues, which is why I tell her everyday how much she means to me.

"Of course I do, honey" I say caressing one of her cheeks carefully. She leans into my touch and close her eyes as tears stream down her face. I wipe them with my thumbs slowly so I don't startle her. "Then why do you hide things from me? W-why won't you let me see it?" She says gathering towards the safe with my notebook.

"That's what this is about? Here..." I say guiding her over to the bed. "It's just a very personal place for me to get out all my thoughts. It's not that I don't want to show you... I've just never shown anyone before. It's hard for me to show that part of myself. It's completely unfiltered and sometimes doesn't make sense" I explain calmly.

"You can be yourself around me" she sniffled cutely and I giggle. "I know that, baby. I'm just hesitant it all, it has nothing to do with you" I tell her. "Ok..." she says leaning her head on my shoulder and wrapping her arms around me. I think for a bit and decide that it wouldn't really hurt to show her just one.

I lightly nudge her head and she moves, I get on my knees and put in the code to open the safe. "What are you doing?" She asks curiously as I pull the notebook out. "I trust you" I say returning to my seat next to her. "There's no real reason I can't show you, you should know this" I say flipping to the desired page.

She stares at me intently as I sigh and hand it over to her. "You don't have to" she says holding it in her hands but looking into my eyes. "I want to, love. Nothing about this is wrong, it's not bad. I'm just... afraid, but I know this is the right thing. The right time to show you, and I can only hope that you'll accept it" I say with a nervous smile. She smiles back and looks down to read.

Is it euphoric?
It's nostalgic
It makes me feel like a kid again
You feel like home
It is out of this world
A once in a lifetime love
Eternal and true
There has never been another like you
I'm done searching
I have finally found my one
My soulmate

It's quiet for a while after that, I expected it. I wait anxiously as she stares at the page before her. Seemingly reading it over and over again to make sure she's read it right. She looks up and tears once again fill her eyes. "This is- how you feel? About me?" She whispers, "yes... it's like magic" I reply.

"Y/n... I-" she stops herself and looks back at the page. Wiping her eyes before tears spill onto the page and spread the ink. "I love you" she says quietly as she looks up at me. I smile, "I love you too, honey" I respond before pulling her into my arms. Our phones start buzzing but we stay in each others arms cherishing the moment.

I remember our first 'i love you's'
They lit a spark in me like no other
It was the first and last time I ever felt magic
At least I know she loved me until the end of time

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