Lavender Air |w.v|

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Today was a very special day, well for me anyways. It was the year anniversary of when I first met Mina.

I know it's traditional to do anniversaries when you've been together for however long. However, this day was very special to me because even though we weren't together she lit up my life. Even from the first time I laid eyes on her I knew I would love her forever. Call it love at first sight or whatnot, I just knew she was the one.

She was working today since it was just a regular old Tuesday. I was off so I decided to do a little something nice for her. I would just tell her it was a random gift because, why not? I walked into the flower shop and gave them my name for the order.

"Bouquet for y/n" I said and the nice woman smiled at me and went in the back to retrieve them. She came back out and handed them to me.

"I de-thorned them as well, no extra cost. They're so beautiful I know whoever receives them will be delighted" she says with a warm smile. "I think so too" I said returning the smile and saying goodbye before walking out. I set them gently on the seat as a slid in the car and turned it on. I headed in the direction of Mina's job while I hummed along to the radio.

Once I arrived I took a deep breath before turning off the car, grabbing the bouquet, and exiting the car. I had got her all different types of flowers in her favorite color, purple. The staple piece being lavender for many reasons, the main one being that the scent is calming.

I headed into the door, the guard already knowing me from my numerous previous visits. I got into the elevator pressing the number for her floor and took another deep breath. I don't know why I was nervous but I definitely was. The elevator dinged signaling I was on my desired floor.

The doors opened and I was instantly met with the smell of her favorite tea. I smiled and put the bouquet behind my back before exiting. I walked up to her office and knocked softly on the door.

"Come in" she said sternly and I poked my head in the door. "Hi sweetheart" she said her face instantly perking up and I fully entered. She saw my hand behind my back and tilted her head. "You have something for me?" She asked curiously and I nodded eagerly. I walked over to her desk and pulled them out and she softly smiled.

"Aww thank you darling" she said taking the flowers. She brought them up to her nose and closed her eyes as she inhaled.

"They smell wonderful" she said standing up and giving me a kiss. She pulled away and walked over to a cabinet, opening it and grabbing out a vase. She had some room temperature water so she poured it in and put the flowers in. She set the vase on her desk and grinned as she turned her attention back to me.

I found it a little odd she didn't question my gesture but I brushed it away. "You have the look on your face..." she said sitting back down. "What look?" I said going to sit on her lap.

"Of confusion" she clarified, "I thought you would ask why I brought them" I explained. "It's the anniversary of the day we first met" she said like it was obvious. Well, it was to me but still. "You remember?" I asked in disbelief, "of course I remember. How could I ever forget? The day I met you was one of the best days of my life" she said looking into my eyes. "Only one of them?" I said pretending to be offended. "Well the other is when you said yes to being my girlfriend" she said.

"Aww" i said fake pouting, "uh uh put that lip back in" she said but I continued. She quickly leaned in and bit my lower lip softly. I looked at her shyly and stuck my lip back to normal. "There we go. I also have something for you" she said reaching into one of her drawers. "I was going to give it to you later, but now is as good a time as ever" she said. "Hop up" she said lightly patting my thighs and I stood. She pushed her chair back and got on the floor putting up one knee.

"Mina..." I whispered already feeling tears form in my eyes. "Well I think you already know what I'm going to say. But for dramatic flair... y/n you have been the main source of light in my life for some time now. I can't imagine where I would be without you and I don't ever want to know. So I'm asking you this because I want to spend every moment with you. Happy, sad, angry, all of it. Will you marry me?" She asked happily.

"God Damn it. Do you always have to one-up me? Your gift is so much better than mine" I said pouting for real this time. She chuckled and stood up, "I'm just great at everything I guess" I playfully hit her arm.

"Seriously though..." she said because I still hadn't answered her question. "Of course crazy. YES!" I yelled and she slipped the ring onto my finger.

The door swung open and there was Jeff, Mutt was right behind him.
"We heard yelling" he said, "were ya'll... fucking" Mutt asks smugly. "No Mutt" I said rolling my eyes at his dirty mind and childish behavior. I loved him but god could he be an idiot sometimes.

"WE'RE GETTING MARRIED" I yelled and they started cheering and clapping. "Bout time" Jeff said and I rolled my eyes playfully at him. I looked back to Mina to see her grinning and looking at me lovingly. "I really can't wait to spend the rest of life with you" I said happily.

"Me either baby" she said giving me a kiss to which the guys starting whooping. "Get out off my office" she said shaking her head. "Sir yes sir captain" Jeff said while they both saluted. I looked at Mina and we both rolled our eyes and chuckled.

What are y'all doin... screwin'?

S.P. One Shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن