Just listen |w.v|

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Wilhemina and I have been dating for about 4 months now and it's been... well interesting. I won't say bad and there has been really good moments but it's often up and down. I know she doesn't mean to, in fact I know exactly what she's doing and that's why she's always getting upset with me. I point out the things no one else will, maybe they're things no one else notices.

All the time I've spent in such close quarters with her has opened my eyes to who she really is. What makes her tick, what her non-verbal cues are and how to decipher what she's actually trying to say. I swear it's like she's speaking in a mix between morse code and hieroglyphics but I manage nonetheless. I just want her to get comfortable enough to actually tell me what she's thinking and that's what bothers me.

I have to give her credit though, she has opened up a lot over the time we've known each other and especially since I moved in since she can't really avoid me. "Hey baby?" she peeks her head in the office and her eyes scan the room for me, "right here, darling" I reply softly so I don't startle her. She opens the door more and comes in so she can actually see me sitting at the desk, "can you come to the bedroom for a minute? If you're not busy" she says quickly and I nod.

"I'm never too busy for you, sweetheart" I tell her and she blushes lightly as she smiles and leads the way towards our shared room. Once we're in she closes the door and walks over to the bed sitting down, patting the space next to her as a gesture for me to sit. "I want to play you something" she says hesitantly, "oouhhh is it like a secret sex tape?" I joke trying to lighten the mood as I can tell she seems apprehensive.

"No, of course not! It's a song" she says rolling her eyes playfully and I chuckle at her feigned annoyance. "Well go right ahead" I wave my hand to reinforce my point, "I want you to really listen ok?" she asks me quietly and I nod taking her hand. "I will, baby. I promise" I say tilting my head down to look in her eyes and she nods quickly, turning to hit play on her phone. Soft music starts to pour out the speakers of our surround sound system, amplifying the vibes.

It's not that I don't want you here
It's something bout the way you stare into my eyes
I know that I don't make things clear
I fall for your every time I try to resist you

She mustn't know that I know this song... well this is definitely a surprise. One that she even knows the song, and that she's playing it for me too. Explains why I could feel her nerves working double time as she asked me to come in here.

All I wanna hear is inner visions on replay
And sit right next to you, you
I try not to show how I feel about you
Thinking we should wait
But we don't really want to
I just wanna get away
And sit right next to you, you

Gosh could she get anymore adorable?

I don't wanna kiss you
Yeah, I just wanna feel you
Feel you

I want you around, around

I've resisted the urge to hum . I look over at Winnie to see her fidgeting with her hands in her lap as she stares down at them. I take one of them and squeeze it gently between both of my hands making her look up at me. I smile softly at her and she smiles shyly back at me before looking down again. Mouthing the words to herself as she plays with a piece of lint between her fingers.

I swear it's hard to keep these feelings to myself
Now you're the one I'm thinking of
My higher ground, my rocket love
Fuck gravity, I'd rather stay up here, but...

"We can get away palm trees, beach views. Ordinary day, all I wanna hear is inner visions on replay and sit right next you, you. I try not to show how I feel about you, thinking we should wait, but we don't really want to I just wanna get away and sit right next to you, you" I sing softly. I open my eyes as I hear her stop the music and I turn to see her staring at me. "You knew this whole time?" She asks and I bite my lip nodding. She nudges my arm and I smile wider as she blushes.

"It's beautiful, thank you" I tell her, turning her head so she looks at me. "I love you" she whispers, "I love you too" I reply smiling softly, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on her lips.

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