Pecks in the Park |w.v|

785 31 22

Not that it matters at all but I was listening to 'R U Mine' by Arctic Monkeys while writing this if you wanna listen to it it's up that 🤪
I walked into a little cafe down the street from my apartment and saw a beautiful woman. Sitting next to a window, her fiery hair cascading down her back.

It glistened in the faint sunlight creeping through the bay window in the front. The sun was setting so it cast a golden hue to her luscious locks.

I ordered my drink and a croissant to go along with it and looked around to pick a seat. There were a few open but I was only really interested in the open one next to her.

I grabbed my order and went over to her table, "hi" I said getting her attention.

When she turned around my jaw almost dropped, it wasn't just any woman. It was my boss! I didn't even recognize her with her hair down, granted her back was facing me.

I still should've noticed that this woman wasn't just any stranger. "Hello, y/n" she said softly with a warm smile which was bewildering. I froze for a few seconds before I smiled politely and took a sip of my drink.

"How's your day?" She asked, jumpstarting the conversation I was trying to avoid. "Good. And you?" I asked as a courtesy and she chuckled before responding.

"I'm alright. You seem tense" she stated and I raised an eyebrow at her. She shook her head amused, "don't look at me like that. Answer my question" she said sternly almost dominantly.

"You didn't ask one" I said smugly before taking a bite of my croissant. "Fine. Why are you tense?" She asked while staring straight into my eyes.

It's one of the things I love and hate the most about her because eye contact for me is difficult. But when she does it it's almost like she catches me in a trance and I can't look away.

"Who said I was?" I countered and she scoffed almost in disbelief.

"I did. Now answer" she said not leaving room for any more of my jokes or deflections. "You make me nervous" I said simply, taking another sip of my drink. "And why is that? Because I'm your boss..." she said tilting her head.

"Sure" I said vaguely and she cocked one of her perfectly arched eyebrows. "Sure? There's another reason" she stated matter of factly.

I didn't reply and just continued inhaling my drink and snack so I could speed this up. "Slow down. Talk to me" she demanded and I did exactly as she said.

"What made you sit next to me?" She addled curiously as if this was the one question she didn't know the answer to.

I shrugged my shoulders and she narrowed her eyes at me. Which, since working with her, I knew meant to use my words. "I don't know" I lied and she saw right through it, she waited a moment.

"You didn't know it was me" she said and I tried not to give any indication that she was, in fact, right. "You look beautiful" I whispered putting my mouth to my cup.

She raised her eyebrows, "what was that?" She asked smugly but I knew she heard me. I swallowed my sip and just looked at her while smirking.

"I said... you look absolutely gorgeous with your hair down" if she was going to tease me I was gonna get my share.

I watched as her cheeks flushed pink and smiled at the fact I made THE Ms.Venable blush. "T-thank you" she stuttered and I was beyond excited, I'd never heard her stutter.

She barely even got nervous, in fact, I don't think I've ever seen her nervous. "Do you work today?" I asked quietly and she shook her head, I narrowed my eyes at her.

"No" she said quietly and I looked to the table, she was done with her drink. I decided to take my things to go and I reached out for her hand. She looked between my hand and my face before grabbing on.

I helped her up a bit and she grabbed her cane. "Where are we going?" She asked as the chilly air wrapped around us when we stepped outside. "To the park" I said simply and took her to the direction of a park near my house.

I could see she was nervous and I could take a guess as to why. "Do you wanna take your car there?" I asked and she looked at me and nodded. I walked her back to her car making sure she got in safely.

I leaned on the side and she rolled her window down. "So it's just that way" I said pointing, "if you think you're getting lost you can just watch me walking" I said.

She looked at me funny, "you're not getting in? With me..." she said and I shook my head.

"Gotta get my steps in. It takes work to look this good" I chuckled and she rolled her eyes playfully. I waited until she made a u-turn and started driving in the right direction.

I jogged so she didn't have to go too slow on the road. Soon enough she found a parking space and I waited for her at the entrance. "Don't worry. We're not gonna walk too far" I said reassuring her and she nodded with a smile.

We walked for a bit until I found my favorite bench, one that overlooked the lake. It was always the most beautiful in fall, which luckily for me was the season.

I looked into her eyes and smiled, I'd never seen her look so beautiful.

"What?" She asked confused, I guess I had been staring a little longer than I realized. "You have really pretty eyes" I said smiling softly, "you think so?" She asked shyly and I chuckled.

"I know so. I'm looking right at them" I said widening my eyes jokingly and she laughed. "You have pretty eyes too" she said and my smile got wider.

"Are you flirting with me, Ms.Venable?" I asked and she blushed again. "No, why would you say that?" She asked trying to sound stern but failing.

I moved in a little bit closer and I could see her cheeks getting redder.

"Because if you were..." I said moving towards her ear.
"I would very much like that" I whispered in her ear softly.

I felt her shiver and I knew it wasn't because of the crisp fall air. I pulled back and saw that her eyes were closed, I looked out to the lake.

Two swans had floated into view and they looked so peaceful, almost in love. I turned to her to point to them and tell her to look but something unexpected happened.

Her lips captured mine. It took me a second but I kissed her back with so much passion. Everything I had held for all these months was released into this one kiss.

When we pulled away I was breathless but still managed to make a joke.

"I was just gonna tell you about the swans" I said pointing to the lake. She sighed and rolled her eyes, "but it was a nice surprise" I whispered biting my lip.

Just like a movie or something a leaf fell from the tree above, right in the little space between us.

It was heart-shaped and I knew then that this was something out of the ordinary. Something magical, maybe fate...

S.P. One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon