Don't do this |w.v & b.d.h|

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Reader uses she/they pronouns

I'm sitting on the couch watching tv with Billie, waiting for mina to get home. As the timer winds down for the next episode to start I hear the door. I wait until it goes to the next one and pause it. I turn my head and smile but it instantly drops when I see her glare at me.

"Hi... baby" Billie says, her tone going from enthusiasm to confusion. "What the actual fuck" she says slamming the door and walking over as quick as she can. "Woahhh, love. What's wrong?" Bil asks as I stare at Mina with wide eyes. "You gave me a fucking hickey" she says to me, completely ignoring the blonde.

"I- what?" I stutter as I try to find my words, I get so nervous when she's mad at me. She turns to the side and points at the purple bruise on her neck. "You gave me a hickey where everyone can see it you idiot. The whole office was probably laughing behind my back the entire day. Do you not think at all?!" She yells and I just look at her in shock.

Of course my brain decides to joke at a time like this to 'lighten the mood'. "Well I thought it went well since you like purple" I chuckle nervously. "This isn't a damn joke y/n" she says in a dangerously low tone. She never calls me by my first name unless she's REALLY pissed. "Ok Mina I think you need to just breathe for a moment". Billie says rubbing my back.

Mina sarcastically takes a deep breath. "What do you suppose it is I'm doing now, huh? I'm breathing and I'm still livid" she says. "I've told you countless times. You never EVER mark me" she says through gritted teeth. "Ok you're taking it too far now, I think they get the point" Billie says softly. My body begins to tremble as I hold back tears and she tries to soothe me.

"Do they?! Because considering their silence I can only assume they don't" she says looking towards me. "Wilhemina, it was an accident, that's en-", "it's fine. I understand. I'm sorry for that and I won't ever do it again. In fact I won't touch you again if that's what you desire" I say quietly, almost a whisper.

"Baby I don't think she-" I stop her by standing up and walking towards the stairs and up to our room. They exchange looks and Mina, being the naturally stubborn person she is, doesn't budge. I go up into our guest bedroom and into the en-suite. I lock the door and sit on the floor, I don't even cry. I don't even think I have any more tears at this point.

I don't understand why she's so mad. Billie's marked her before... and she's never gotten that mad at her. She doesn't love you. She doesn't want you. She's ashamed of you. I put my hands to my head and hold it trying to decompress my thoughts. A soft knock on the door make me lift my head and turn towards it. It can only be Billie considering how the knock was almost silent.

"Baby..." definitely Billie. "She didn't mean it like that, honey. Open the door... please? You don't have to be alone" she says quietly and I just shake my head. She just feels bad for you. They don't need you. "I want to be alone" I choke out as I realize silent tears falling down my face and onto my legs. "I know you don't mean that... let me in sweetheart" she insists.

"God stop being so dramatic" I hear Winnie say from a distance as the tears fall faster. "For gods sake shut up! This is your fault Wilhemina. How can you be so cruel? I love you but come on!" Billie yells at her, she never yells. "B-" Mina starts but she cuts her off. "No. You don't get to say anything right now unless it's an apology. Just go and let me handle it" she sighs.

"What are you putting me in time out? Like I'm a child" mina scoffs. "You're sure acting like one right now. Adults admit when they're wrong and apologize when they hurt someone they love" she says. After that it's silent and I hear the door close letting me know someone left. "Come on, honey. Let me in, I promise you'll feel better" she coos.

I quickly unlock the door and rush into her arms as she holds me tightly. "It's ok, baby. I'm here" she says rubbing my back as I begin to sob into her chest. "I j-just don't u-understand why she's s-so mad..." I sniffle. "You know how she values her reputation at work. She likes to be tough all the time, it's one of those things I love and hate about her. She lets it cloud her judgment sometimes" she explains.

"That gives her no right to take it out on you though. She'll realize that, baby, trust me" she says gently picking me up. She starts walking towards the door but I pull on her shirt so she stood and looks down at me. "C-can we lay in here?" I ask quietly, she nods hesitantly and lays me down before getting in next to me.

"Mommy..." I say letting her know I'm in need of a lot of comfort right now. "Yes sweetie" she replies stroking my head and pulling me closer. "Does she not love me like she loves you? She never gets that mad at you..." I say. "She loves you honey, she just has a hard time showing that sometimes. As for not getting mad with me... well" she stops to think about it for a moment.

"I think she sees us all as equals but because you're younger than us that gets in the way sometimes. I've noticed she sometimes treats you like a child and if it doesn't bother you then that's ok with me. But I feel like we're all adults in this situation and it should be reflected that way. I would also have her haunted if she ever tried my shit" she says making me giggle.

"I love you" I whisper into her neck, "I love you more, my darling" she responds kissing the top of my head. We sit in silence until the door creaks open, I look towards it instinctually. Mina stands there with a sad look on her face, cheeks and eyes red from what I can only assume is crying.

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