Just get it over with (2)

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I go to my bedroom changing into sweats and a big t-shirt, heading to the kitchen directly after. I grab the bottle of tequila and a glass, if I don't get the glass I'll drink too much. As I was walking back to the table I changed my mind. I shouldn't let her drive me to get drunk, instead I'll watch movies and cry. Well I could eat myself out of house and home, but that's gonna bite me in the ass later.

I put the alcohol back in the cupboard and return the glass to its spot, going back to the couch. I turn on my tv and click to Netflix hearing the opening tone. I pull the cover off the back of the couch and wrap it around my body hoping it brings me comfort. Spoiler alert... it didn't, but at least I'm warm and sad.

I watch a few movies before ordering take out, unfortunately they don't deliver. I slip on some slides and grab my keys to head out the door. As soon as I opened it I was met with Billie, her hand almost hitting my face as she was about to knock. Surprise was written in both our expression as well as confusion.

"What are you doing here?" I ask softly as she glanced me up and down. But something was different in her features, as if she wasn't judging me. "I need to talk to you" she says in a soft voice taking me by surprise again. "Ok... can it wait I was going-" "no" she interrupts me. Now that's more like her I think rolling my eyes.

I gesture with my arm for her to come in and she steps across the threshold. I close the door and lean against it with my arms crossed. "What is it?" I as indifferently just reading to get this over with. "Can we sit down?" She asks looking towards the floor, I sigh but make my way to the couch. She sits down right after me, very close I might add.

"I'm sorry for before" she says quietly, I look over to see her playing with her nails. "It's fine. I'm sorry for getting so upset" I reply. "Don't. You shouldn't be apologizing... it's all my fault" she says shakily. Is she crying? "It's not Billie, it takes two to tango" I say trying to reassure her. "Do you hate me?" She asks before sniffling, I move a bit closer and put my arm around her.

"Of course not" I say quietly, she turns her head to look at me. Our faces being close, too close for my liking. I mean I like it but this isn't making the situation any better. I move away a bit as we look into each others eyes. It's silent for a moment and I sit in it until I can't bear it anymore. "You came all this way to ask if I hated you?" I ask trying to sound as nice as possible.

"The opposite actually" she says biting her lip nervously. I tilt my head at her letting her know I have no clue what she's talking about. "Y/n... i know i haven't been the nicest person to you" she sighs. "Quite the opposite. I was pretty sure you hated me" I chuckle to make it better. "There a thin line between love and hate" she mutters to herself but I hear her.

"I know I've been unbearable at times... unreadable... I'm sorry for that. There's just so many things I... so many things I feel" she expresses. "I get it. Talking to spirits isn't exactly the easiest job mentally and emotionally" I tell her. "No... I mean yes... but it's not just that" she says frustratedly. "Ok well tell me. What do you mean?" I ask crossing my legs and resting my forearms on them.

"I don't know why this is so fucking hard" she sighs running her fingers through her hair. Something I've noticed is a nervous habit of hers. I decide to stay quiet and let her gather her thoughts. "I love you. I always have. I thought I was never capable of love. Always just sleeping with people a few times maximum and finding someone new..." she starts and I listen intently.

"I realized just how much I was in love with you when I didn't enjoy that anymore. I couldn't look at another woman without feeling... like it was wrong. I mean they're beautiful women, but I couldn't help but to feel disgusted. All I wanted was you. All I want is you" she finishes, she looks up to me and I stare back at her.

I can't believe she's saying all these things. Everything I've wanted to hear but never thought I would. "Wow" I breathed out, it was the first thing that came to mind. She waited for me to gather myself and I did, rather quickly. "I never thought I'd hear this... not in a million years. I feel the same way" I say with a soft smile on my face.

Her expression quickly lifts from a small smile to a wide grin. She launches herself towards me and basically tackles me against the couch. Pressing my body between hers and the cushions. She looks down at me making me all flustered. Leaning in slowly she looks into my eyes, I nod and pull her closer as my impatience gets the best of me.

As our lips lock I feel a surge of energy through my body. Igniting my every nerve and cell, sparking me to life. An engine once dead, roars to life. As we pull away I see a spark in her eyes. The spark that sets me ablaze. That lets me know she means it. I can finally allow myself to dream, dream of her.

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