Let's Talk Business |c.g & w.v|

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Summary: Cordelia comes into the coven during the apocalypse to set things straight. Little does she know there's someone there who might just be her match. She came late in the night so as to not disturb the others there, her sole mission was to talk to the person running the place. She didn't prepare for the leader to be so beautiful.
Smut: Mommy kink, degrading
(Typical Venable things)
Cordelia's pov
As I walk up to the building, somewhere I've been multiple times before. It looks completely different, the surroundings look even more dead than before. But I can't focus too much on that, I'm here for a specific purpose.

I came alone for the sole reason that I needed to talk one on one with whoever was running the place. I enter and it's dead silent, almost uncomfortably so. I had to remind myself that I did come in the middle of the night, so as to not disturb the others.

I was still unknown to most of the people who would probably be there, so I didn't want to frighten anyone. I brush myself off and remove the protection suit covering my normal clothes. As I look up there is this breathtakingly beautiful woman standing on the platform between two flights of stairs.

She's wearing what appears to be a black trench coat dress that stops well below her knees. With a lace undershirt that wraps around her neck perfectly. She also has on a belt with an intricately patterned gold buckle.

With a click of her cane all the workers, that I didn't even realize were there, disperse so it's just me and her. "I need to talk to you" I try to say firmly, I just assumed she had to be the one in charge. She oozed confidence and her aura just had this air of authority.

She says nothing but nods for me to come up the stairs, once we make it to her office she closes the door and turns to look at me. "Sit" she says pointing to a chair directly positioned in front of her desk. I do as she says and she moves to sit in front of me, leaning her cane against the desk and getting comfortable.

I stare at her for a moment not knowing what to say, I decide it's probably best to start with my name. "Well... I'm Cordelia G-" I start but she cuts me off "I know who you are" she says calmly, plainly, as if she's anything but impressed.

"Ok... so you know why I'm here" I say trying to regain my confidence. "Not exactly, I suppose I do but I'm still unclear as to why you thought it would be a good idea to come" she says as if I've committed a crime. "What do you mean?" I asked confused, she seemed like she was upset and I didn't understand why.

"Ok... why don't I put it more plainly. Since you seem to be incapable of understanding the most simple of concepts" she takes a breath before looking back up at me. "Get the fuck out" she says with no emotion, I sit there wide-eyed, not believing she just said that to me.

"Don't tell me you didn't understand that" she says waiting for me to answer. It's like my tongue is literally tied in knots because I can't get a single word to come out. She gets up from her chair and with the help of her cane makes it over to me.

She leans down into my ear and whispers "you're a pretty girl" pushing a piece of hair behind my ear. "We wouldn't want you getting hurt" and with that she points to the door and sits back down. I get up and begin walking towards the door, and then I remember why I'm here.

I'm not leaving without my girls, so if I have to get aggressive then it is what it is. "Listen..." I begin timidly, trying to find some bass in my voice. "I don't know who put a stick up your ass but I came here for a reason and I'm not leaving without my girls" I say shakily.

She chuckled at my efforts "you're way too nice" she says "I could blow on you and you would crumble. You don't want to see what I'm capable of. I suggest you leave before things get a lot worse for you, I'm trying to give you a way out" she says smiling.

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