More Than a Woman |w.v|

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I can't even tell you how long I've been working for Wilhemina, only that I've loved her for as long as I can remember. As soon as I laid eyes on her there was no denying her unmatchable beauty. I'm not exactly sure when I fell in love with her, the timeline is blurry. All I know is that I am so deeply in love with her that I can no longer just keep these feelings for myself.

It's time for me to go home and as usual she's still in her office wrapping up work for the day. Sometimes I think those idiots believe she's one of their robots or something. Regardless I go in to tell her good night like I usually would.

I knock 3 times and she mumblees a come in. I open the door to find her looking effortlessly beautiful as she types on her purple macbook. "I just came in to say good night" I say shyly as I try to compose the real words I want to confess to her. "Good night" she says without lifting her head from her work, I stand there for a moment just fully taking her beauty in for what feels like the first time all over again.

"Is there something else?" she asks slightly annoyed as she lifts her head and looks at me for the first time. "Why are you fidgeting?" she asks, leaning back in her chair and observing me as I work up the courage to tell her the words I've been holding in for what feels like a lifetime.

"I- umm... you look exceptionally beautiful today and I wanted you to know that" I say, not a lie because she looks like a goddess every day. She scoffs and looks me up and down as her perfectly manicured lavender nails tap lightly on the desk. "I don't have time for your jokes, you can tell whoever put you up to this that you did it and we'll pretend this never happened" she says going back to her work.

I take a few cautious steps forward as I gain my confidence. "No one put me up to it, I wanted to tell you because... well, because I've been admiring you almost as long as I've worked here" I explain. She looks at me without raising her head and glares at me seemingly cutting through the silence with her intense stare.

"How long have you been working for me y/n?" she asks and I try to remember but I just can't put my finger on it because she makes the days pass as if they were minutes. "3 years. You've been working for me for 3 years and you're not aware of how thin my patience is by now?" she says answering my question and standing up to walk over to me.

Her cane taps on the floor sinisterly as the distance between us grows smaller and smaller causing her scent to invade my senses. "I don't mean to upset you, Ms. Venable, I just felt like I was bursting at the seams keeping this in me for so long" I voice sincerely.

"I suggest you cut this out Ms. Y/l/n" she says warningly, and I take a few more steps towards her, "I love you" I say as tears begin to well up in my eyes.

She looks at me with an expression I can't decipher as she backs up until she gently bumps into the wall and realises there's nowhere else for her to go. "Don't say things you don't mean" she says as her voice begins to tremble in the slightest way. "I mean it with every fibre of my being, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen" I say taking her face in my hands as my tears begin to fall.

She closes her eyes tightly, "Y/n" she whispers barely audible, "yes?" I reply in the same tone of voice. "Please... please tell me this isn't a joke, that I'm not dreaming" she begs, "do you want me to pinch you?" I chuckle and she hits my arm before revealing the little realms we simply refer to as eyes. The tears begin to fall by the dozen, and I gently wipe her face, even in this moment she is the most perfect being to ever grace this earth.

"I am the most serious I've ever been in my life" I tell her, "get out" she whispers. I look at her confused for a moment as she closes her eyes and when she opens them the tears are gone and her gaze is cold once again. "I said get the fuck out of my sight" she says pushing me away from her harshly.

"No" I retaliate, and she looks to be piercing daggers through my vital organs as she approaches me dangerously. "Do not defy me y/n, you know what happens to those who disobey my orders" she says through gritted teeth.

"I'll never leave you. Even if you want me to, I never will because I love you and my heart would never allow me to let you go. If you want me gone, you're going to have to kill me yourself" I say standing up straighter than before.

Her gaze is cold but I can see the visible trembling of her plump bottom lip and before I know it I see her begin to fall. I grab ahold of her and she cries into the crook of my neck, soaking my shirt in her iridescent tears. "I will never let you go Wilhemina" I whisper into her ear amongst other sweet and comforting words.

She pulls away after a few minutes, her cane had fallen as she weakened so I carefully guided her to the sofa before picking it up and returning it to her. I sat next to her, at a safe distance but close enough to let her know I'm still here for her. It's quiet for a while as she processes I assume. "I always knew you were different" she whispers mostly to herself I think, "what do you mean?" I ask her, "no one would ever stand up to me like that and I thought... that no one could ever love me, but you really do. No one has ever fought for me before, especially against myself" she says turning to me with affection and love in her eyes.

"Well I'm glad you finally realise it. I really do love everything about you and it's a mystery to me how others fail to see it" i say with sincerity in my spirit. "I love you" she whispers softly as she tilts her head slightly to the left, she leans in and kisses me softly.

Our lips move in perfect harmony with one another, and I feel myself almost joining as one with the interstellar being that is her. She pulls away and rests my forehead against her own, grabbing my face and tucking her index fingers right below my ears and into my hair. "My angel..." she pauses as if this is the ultimate confession and she stares into my eyes and I into hers trying to anticipate her next words.

"Flung out of space" she whispers as her eyes smile for her and my heart attempts to leap from my chest in joy. The butterflies in my stomach transforming to hummingbirds flapping around in hopes of release.

My dream woman is no longer a dream. She is real and she loves me back.

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