Slide in my dms |b.d.h|

532 24 81

WC: 3218
CW: Mommy kink, degradation, strap-on
I was just aimlessly scrolling through Instagram which I never go on. When I got a message notification, I ignored it thinking it was one of the scams. After I got tired of scrolling I decided to check it for shits and giggles.

@BillieDHoward: I think you're beautiful and funny and I usually don't do this... but I would like to get to know you better if that's ok?

I stared at it for a moment, I had no idea who this person was. I went to their profile to scroll their feed, there were pictures of many different people. I couldn't possibly know which one was them, but one person caught my attention. They were in the most pictures and she was beautiful.

Me: you know usually people start with hello

A few minutes later my phone lit up again, it was her.

@BillieDHoward: sorry that was kinda rude wasn't it? How are you?

Me: I'm ok and yourself?

@BillieDHoward: I'm good especially now...

Me: I don't even know what you look like

@BillieDHoward: I'll send you a pic

"Holy shit" I whispered to myself, she had sent me a picture of her in a black bra with matching panties. The bra was hanging off one shoulder almost exposing her breast.

@BillieDHoward: Oh shit! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to send that one 🤦🏼‍♀️

Me: I think you did though

@BillieDHoward: I swear I didn't! Here let me actually send you the one I meant to...

She really was beautiful, her hair was slightly curled and she had a cigarette in her mouth. The smoke looked like it was slowly escaping her mouth. She had her elbow resting on her arm like she was in deep thought about something.

Me: Wow. You're beautiful I do slightly prefer the previous picture though a little more spice if I may say

@BillieDHoward: Oh... well I guess I take back my apology from earlier. Thank you, could we go on a date or maybe just a walk in the park?

Me: I'd be down but I have to know you're not a creep first... video call me so I know it's really you

@BillieDHoward: I suppose that's reasonable... give me a moment?

Me: I'm sure you look fine

@BillieDHoward: I'm like butt ass naked I should at least put on clothes...

Me: Up to you

She called me a few minutes later, I could tell she didn't put clothes on. She was wrapped in her cover and by the looks of her hair she had been laying down. She still looked stunning, "did I disturb you from your sleep madam" I said sarcastically.

"Never, so now what? You know it's me" she said questioningly. "Well I don't know I didn't think that far" I said thinking, because I really didn't expect this. "I'd like to take you out" she said seriously, "uhhh ok straight to the point then" I said chuckling a bit.

"So is that yes?" She asked sitting up a little "yes" I replied. "Great. Pick you up tomorrow at 7?" She asked. "Sounds good" I replied. We said good night and that was pretty much it, funny I just met her today and was set to go on a date with her tomorrow.

I felt a good vibe though so I thought I would have a nice time. Guess we'll see, I drifted to sleep thinking of what I was going to wear.

[TIME SKIP: the next morning]

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