Reassurance |w.v|

999 35 16

I have been dating Mina for a few months now, close to a year, and it's been incredible. She's been really nice and caring, as much as she can anyway. She still tries to hide behind her tough facade which I understand.

I try to be patient with her because I love her, I'm just one of those affectionate people. I know she's not really like that and I try my best to be as understanding as possible.

It's just hard to fight with my constant thoughts, I assume if she doesn't give me affection that she doesn't love me. I know that's not true but it doesn't keep the thoughts away.

She tells me she loves me everyday but sometimes it's just not enough ya know? Today I'm cooking dinner because I didn't work late, I'm just waiting for her to get home.

I hear keys jingling and the door opens, I hear her sigh and just know what type of day she's had. So I stay in the kitchen and finish up, I hear her walk over and I turn around.

"Hi baby" I say with a smile, "hi darling" she says tiredly. She softly smiles at me and makes her way upstairs, she usually does this everyday. But today it hurts me, I just really needed a hug from my girlfriend.

If I was coming in that's the first thing I always do, give her a hug. Even though she never really asks for affection I know she needs it. I just wish, I guess, that she would assume the same thing for me.

She comes down after a while, now changed into comfortable clothes. I've set the table already so she sits down to eat, during the dinner it's quiet. Both of us just eating together silently.

"Honey?" She says breaking me out of my thoughts "hmm" I respond. "You ok?" She asks sincerely, "yeah" I respond trying to fake a smile. "I can tell something is bothering you" she says matter of factly.

"It's not important" I say picking up the plates and utensils, taking them to the sink to wash. I hear her get up and approach me, I finish washing the dishes before turning around.

I'm drying my hands as I see her leaning back against the counter with her arms crossed. She raises an eyebrow gesturing for me to speak, "really Wilhemina, it's fine" I'm trying really hard to convince her.

But I realize I used her name which I never do unless I'm upset. I internally curse myself because I know she'll now be sure that something is wrong. "Y/n just tell me" she says almost sadly, I sigh knowing I have no choice.

"I just feel like... sometimes... you don't-" I stop myself and shake my head. "Finish" she basically orders, I take a deep breath before continuing. "Like you don't... love me" I whispered the last part kinda hoping she didn't hear.

But I also couldn't bear to repeat myself, "why would you think that?" She asks with a concerned tone. She uncrosses her arms now, "just small things, it's really not that big of a deal" I say trying to dismiss it.

I put the towel down and try to walk away but she grabs my wrist lightly. I turn back around to see tears in her eyes, "it is a big deal y/n, I never want to make you feel like that" she says.
"Tell me what to do and I'll do it" she pleads, I start tearing up too, I hate seeing her like this.

Knowing I caused it just makes it even worse. "I just need a little reassurance... like when you come home you don't hug me or kiss me. It just makes me feel like you don't wanna touch me or something..." I say looking down.

She immediately pulls me in for a hug and I cry softly into her chest. "Baby I love you. I'm sorry I don't show it much, it's just a little harder for me. I'll do my best from now on to show you how much I love you, I promise" she says softly.

I sniffle and pull away slowly, I look into her eyes and smile shyly. "You remember the first time we met?" She asks smiling widely. I nod while smiling too, her beauty instantly took my breath away.

Her fiery red hair, dark brown eyes that glistened with the sunlight leaking through the windows of the cafe. "When I first saw you I was so nervous, it almost made me mad" she laughs.

"Because I never get nervous, but you always make me feel things I've never felt. I saw you and for the first time I felt this spark in my chest. I was like shaking on the inside when I went up to talk to you" she says wrapping her arms tighter around me.

"You were so sweet and your presence just made me so comfortable and relaxed. It was like we instantly connected and just knew the other person... that's when I knew" she says letting me go.

She steps to the side and gets down on one knee, I look down at her confused. I'm a little slow so it took me a moment to realize what was going on.

She pulls a little box out from god knows where and that's when I realized. My eyes went wide and I covered a gasp with my hand. She smiles up at me with tears in her eyes, a few fall silently down her cheeks.

"Y/n y/l/n, you are the best thing that has ever come into my life. You are the joy and the light that keeps me going every day. You're the first person to ever make me feel beautiful and genuinely loved and cared for. Everyday you teach me how to be a better person and how to take care of you. I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you. Proving to you that you are the most important person in my life. I want to spend forever with you, taking care of you until it's second nature. Would you do me the gracious honor, making me the proudest woman in the world, and marry me?" She spoke.

At this point tears were streaming down my face uncontrollably and I could hardly breathe. I managed to choke out an almost silent "yes" before she slipped the ring on my finger.

I pulled her up quickly and jumped into her arms squealing. I was so happy I felt like a child with a face full of cake. I smiled the biggest I ever have in my entire life, I was so excited at the idea of spending the rest of my life with the woman of my dreams.

I was also really surprised not just by the gesture but her words. Like I said, Mina is not really good with affection so it made me appreciate it so much more.

That she took the time to do this and pushed past her walls to confess all this to me. I would cherish her for the rest of my life and vow to tell her everyday how worthy she is.

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