Please calm down |a.m.r|

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I've had so many people ask me what an asthma attack is like or how it feels. I don't know if anybody can relate but it sort of just came to my brain to write this.
Reader has an asthma attack and Ally freaks out
I was cleaning the house today trying to help Ally out. She works so hard and I help with that, of course, but nothing compared to her. I've wanted to be an actress for as long as I can remember but it's never really been convenient. Being the supportive fiancé she is, Ally suggested I focus on it full time.

I think it also might be a matter of her knowing I'm safe at home. Regardless I'm forever grateful for her because it does take a lot of my energy to work on this. So I always try to show her just how much I appreciate her. Besides it's so dusty in here and that's not good for anyone.

I checked on Ozzie to make sure he was alright. He was watching Batman, munching on the popcorn I gave him. I smiled and made my way to the bathroom to clean it. I finished that and walked into the living room with a sigh. This is always the worst part for me, only because the shelves are so high.

I always leave the dusting of the entertainment system last because of the effort it takes. I go grab the step ladder and set it up in front of the mahogany set. It surrounds the tv and it has shelves where pictures of our family are displayed. I've already done all of those so the only thing left is the top.

There's a few decorative plants and also a few pictures I have to move. I hold the duster in one hand and take the plants down, setting them on the floor. I take the pictures and fold the stands down laying them carefully on top of each other. I set them on the little edge in front of the tv and stand back up straight.

I swipe the duster carefully across one side, turning it as I go so I don't send dust flying. Once I've successfully finished that side I sigh and roll my eyes. The issue here is that I have to get off the ladder and move it so I can reach the other side. My arms aren't long enough to reach all the way. Fuck it. I'll just lean over. I really just want to get this over with.

I grab ahold of the top, careful so I don't pull too hard on it. I lean over and try to wipe the dust off and I do a little cheer to myself as it starts coming off. However, I begin to lose my balance and I quickly pull myself upright to stable myself. What I didn't think about was the fact that I dragged the duster with me.

Since I did it so quickly all the dust pushed up and towards my face. I jumped off the ladder as I breathed it in, unfortunately taking the pictures with me. I cursed under my breath with my eyes closed. I walked blindly to the bathroom, feeling around for a towel.

As soon as I found one I grabbed on and gently wiped my face. Immediately sneezing after, I shook my head and walked back out to the living room. I looked at the mess I made and sighed once again. Picking up the pictures I set them on the kitchen counter and grabbed the broom.

I swept up the glass and threw it away, standing over the broken frames with my hands on my hips. What a dumbass. I shook my head to push my dumb thoughts away and returned the ladder to its spot. I took the fluffy brush off the duster and cleaned it before putting it back as well.

As I sat down on the couch I noticed my breathing was heavy. I mean I know I'm out of shape but damn. I put a hand to my chest as I get a sudden pain. Oh come on, not now. I try to think if I have an inhaler but remembered the new one hasn't come in yet.

I haven't been having issues with it so I don't have an everyday one. I didn't even think I needed an emergency one but Ally made me go to the doctor to get the prescription. 'Just in case. You never know' she had said, boy was she right.

Just as I thought about her I heard the front door open. As if that triggered my lungs I feel my chest get really tight and my breathing becomes shallower. I have to act ok, I don't wanna worry her for nothing.

"Hi babies" she says from the hallway, I try to yell to her but it hurts. She walks in and turns to me, I quickly put my hand down so she doesn't notice. "Hi darling" she says softly as she approaches me. "Hey" I force out trying to sound like I'm not dying.

Her gaze had floated to the kitchen, landing on the broken frames. As she heard me her eyes darted to me, "what's wrong?" She asks, quickening her pace and sitting down next to me. Her hand immediately finds mine as she looks in my eyes worriedly. So much for that.

"I'm fine. I'm sorry about the pictures" I say, my voice raspy and my sentence a bit broken because I keep taking breaths. "I don't give a fuck about that, I'll buy more" she says stroking my hair out of my face. "It's your asthma isn't it" she says as more of a statement than a question.

I nod closing my eyes and trying to focus on deepening my breaths. "Fuck" she mutters under her breath, "the inhaler hasn't come in yet, has it?" She asks and I can hear her getting progressively worried. I shake my head as I ease myself down to lay my head on her lap.

"Baby, get up. We're going to the hospital" she says urgently. "It's... fine. I just need to- lay down" I say as I feel my breathing quicken again. "Mommy..." Ozzie says making me open my eyes and see him standing at the base of the stairs.

"Is mama ok?" He asks scared, "mama-" I interrupt her before she can worry him too. "I'm fine baby" I say steadying my voice enough for that simple sentence. I smile at him and he smiles back. "I'll be up in a minute ok? I just need to talk to mama" Ally says. I don't need to look at her to know she's giving the mom look.

I close my eyes again and try taking deep breaths. They're shaky and it hurts like a fucking bitch. Every time I try to take a full deep breath my chest literally pushes it out like a rejection. "You are not ok. We're going to the hospital" she says trying to get up.

"Ally. I just need to- lay down. No hospital" I tell her. "You could die!" She whisper yells and I shake my head softly. "The... more... you freak out... the worse- it gets. If I panic... it won't... get better" I force out. Even talking hurts, I just want her to hold me until it passes.

"You're so fucking stubborn" she whispers as she turns me carefully to lay on my back. I open my eyes slightly and look up at her, "you... love me" I say smiling tiredly. "Damn straight I do. Now stop talking" she commands. I lift my hand up and salute to her funnily, making her giggle.

I chuckle and then grimace as a pain shoots through my chest. A tear unknowingly falls down my cheek and I know more will come once I feel it. "It hurts" I whisper before I open my eyes and look up to see Ally tearing up too. She wipes my tears as I shake my head at her crying.

"I hate seeing you in pain" she whispers shakily. "Almost over" I say forcing myself to take deep breaths despite the pain. I close my eyes again and focus really hard on holding the breaths. It's almost like when you hold a rubber band open for a while so it stretches.

It feels so hard, like my ribs have closed around my lungs and I'm forcing them open again. I cough a little as my lungs try to clear themselves I assume. I calm down and focus on just breathing as Ally strokes my head keeping me grounded.

After about 20 minutes, give or take cause i don't know, I'm pretty much back to normal. I sit up cautiously as my chest is still sore and squeeze Ally's hand. I take a few more deep breaths before opening my eyes. I squint as the light is bright considering my eyes have been closed for I don't know how long.

"Alrighty" I say standing up quickly, Ally stands up fast and holds onto me. "Woah, take it easy" she says looking at me scared. "I can't baby myself, I'm basically fine. Don't worry" I say cupping her cheeks and giving her a peck on the lips. I would kiss her but I don't think my lungs would like that.

"You're cuckoo for coco puffs" she says shaking her head amused but with worry still written on her face. "Well this is your chance to change your mind. I mean you're marrying this" I say gesturing to myself. "Now you've really lost it" she says pulling me gently by my waist so I'm pressed against her.

"I love you, you stubborn son of a bitch" she says smiling at me. "I love you more, you beautiful human" I reply, "well that makes me sound like an ass" she chuckles. "Yeah but at least you're mine" I smirk as I smack her ass. "You certainly are feeling better" she whispers, "told you. Don't get too excited though, my little breathers are recovering" I joke pointing at my chest.

She shakes her head chuckling, making sure I'm ok before going up to Oz.

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