I've never been better |c.g|

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I've been feeling down recently, not really wanting much affection. Well it's not that I don't want it I just feel I don't deserve it. I've done nothing to gain the love of those around me and I hate it. I know they would argue that I don't have to do anything to deserve it but it's always something I've had to earn.

"Hey, baby doll" Delia says as she leans in the doorway watching me. "Hi" I say as cheerily as possible trying to hide my true emotions. "How ya doing?" She asks taking a few steps closer to me but still at a distance. I shrug, "as good as possible" I say honestly. "I've noticed you being... distant. Not eating as much... how are you really feeling?" She asks sitting next to me.

I just shrug again not knowing how to answer without worrying her. "Baby I need you to talk to me. I can't help if I don't know what's wrong" she sighs resting her hand on my thigh. I subconsciously flinch at the touch and she looks at me concerned. "What is it, darling? You're scaring me..." she pleads. "Delia I- I don't know" I admit looking into her eyes.

"Tell me baby girl..." she says holding my cheeks and making me face her. "At my worst, I fear you'll realize you deserve better. At my best, I worry you won't" I tell her as my eyes begin to water. "I'm too much, Delia. You're the supreme and you already have so many things to worry about. Only to come to me and just wanna cuddle and sleep and-" she stops me giving me a soft kiss.

"I love you. Everything about you. Your rambling, your inability to concentrate" she giggles making me smile. "Even though I don't understand how someone so beautiful can think low of themselves. I love your insecurities, the little details that you think are faults. They make you, you and I love every bit of it. I love all of your moods even if they make things a bit harder I love you through it all. At the end of the day that's what it's about. You care for me when I'm sad and when I get insecure amongst many many other things. So don't ever feel like you're a burden or that you're 'too much' for me" she says using a hand to make quotations before returning it to my face.

"Nothing about you is too much and if anything I love it because it makes me feel needed. I love to care for you through any and everything. Sure, maybe it's a handful sometimes but that's what I have two hands for, darling" she says smiling widely. I chuckle at her statement and gaze into her eyes lovingly. "You're the best person to ever come into my life" I say, "and you're mine" she replies.

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