Dust to Dust |w.v|

482 22 32

I've had my cat since I was a kid, he means the world to me. I'm always happy around him and I even brought him with me when I moved in with my girlfriend Wilhemina. Well I should've said he meant the world to me, but that seems stupid. I still love him it's just bittersweet whenever I think of him now.

He passed about a month ago now and I've been fine up until this point. Winnie even asked me countless times if I was ok. Telling me that it's ok to cry and that she's here for me. But I felt fine. I thought I was fine. Yet here I am, on the bathroom floor balling my eyes out. I'm supposed to be watching a movie with my girlfriend but I had to pee.

On my way to the bathroom I noticed a closet door in the hallway was open. One we never use, my mom was here recently so she might've just left it open. I don't know how I only noticed it now but I suppose that's not the point. As I was trying to close it, it kept getting stuck. So I opened it all the way to find out what it was.

I saw a box blocking the way and raised and eyebrow at it. I don't remember putting this here. I took it out and opened it up, hoping it was a present that Winnie hid for me. My smile quickly faded into confusion as I saw a pretty container. Why would she buy this? I shrugged and opened it and my face fell completely.

It looked like dust, ashes, it didn't take me long to realize what this is. I was so in shock I could've dropped it yet I held on for dear life. I stared at it with my open, my bottom lip already trembling. I put it back, not even trying to make it look nice and ran to the bathroom. I locked the door and slid down the wall bringing my knees to my chest.

I sobbed quietly so I didn't alert her, I know what she would do. And as much as I want to be held I just need a little time alone. I didn't realize how much time had passed until I heard a soft knock on the door. "Hey... you ok, baby?" She asked and I sucked in to stop myself from crying. Trying to even my breathing so my voice didn't sound shaking.

"Yep. Almost done" I say wiping my eyes, "why's the door locked?" She questioned softly and I scrambled my brain for an answer. We never locked doors, for many reasons so I had no idea what to tell her. "Open the door, please" she said after a long moment of silence. "Winnie I-" "open the door" she said a little bit sterner, I could tell she was getting worried.

I open the door and upon seeing my face she immediately pulls me into her arms. "Shhh, it's ok" she says stroking my hair and rocking us slightly side to side. "He-he's dead" I sob, muffled by the fabric of her shirt. "I know, baby. I know" she says holding me tighter. I finally calm down and pull away to look at her.

She gently guided me over to the bed and lays me down. She lays down next to me and pulls me in her arms again, turning my head to her chest. "He's in a better place, darling. I know you don't want to hear that, I know you want him here. If I could bring him back I would, I would do anything to make you happy. Just remember that he will always be in your memories and in your heart. That way he stays with you always" she says kissing my head.

"That's so fucking cliché" I mumble into her chest. "Things are only cliché because they're said so much, and you know why that is? Because they're true, honey. I know it's hard and you miss him, it's normal to feel like this. Know that I'm here for you, always. I don't care if it's 3 in the morning. You wake me up and we can eat cookies on the kitchen floor, ok?" She says and I nod holding her tighter.

"You'd sacrifice your beauty sleep for me?" I ask looking you at her with a small smile. "I'd do anything for you, I have enough beauty already" she replies flipping her hair before squeezing my side and making me giggle. "I love you, Winnie" I say giving her a kiss, "I love you more, pumpkin" she replies kissing my forehead.

I lay in her arms as she rocks me slowly and hums my favorite song to send me to sleep.

S.P. One ShotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum