Meadows & Willow Trees |d.s|

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Part 1: You've been married to Diane for 2 years and your love has yet to fizzle out. This is the story of the journey to come.

It's just a normal Sunday morning like any other. I wake up wrapped in the arms of my wonderful wife. I marvel at the way her red tinted brown hair shines in the sun. It seems to sparkle with the little sunbeams hitting specific strands in just the right way.

I think about all the time we've spent together. How happy she's made me in that time and how I never seem to get tired of her. Even if I'm bored, we're bored together. No matter what we do it's always together, and I love that about her. As much as I love my alone time, being with her is just so much better.

It's like the perks of being alone but with company? It's so crazy how it's become such a normal occurrence for her to be around. I never thought my life would go this way, but I'm certainly not complaining. She's so attentive and somehow always knows what I need. She's literally perfect in every way.

I watch in awe as her eyes flutter quickly, her lashes like little butterfly wings. As her eyes open and land on me, they appear to twinkle. "Hi" she says in a raspy tone that only I have the pleasure of hearing. A smile stretches on her face as her brain catches up and she fully wakes.

"Hi" I reply softly as I smile while gently biting my lip. "You're starting your checklist early" she jokes. It's a running thing that I watch her sleep if I wake up before her. I stare at her any chance I get and she always says it's like a hobby of mine. Like I'm trying to meet some sort of quota every day.

"I've only managed about 2% so far" I reply rolling my eyes playfully. She shakes her head while smiling, moving to sit up. I follow her lead and she pulls me into her side. "So what are we doing today, honey bee?" She asks me, I smile softly and curl into her more.

"Music and a picnic?" I suggest and she hums a bit while thinking. "Sounds good, what time?" I ask her, "whenever" I reply shrugging lightly. "Well we have to prepare a basket and choose a place. So how about we get up and get ready while we think?" She suggests and I nod but hold her tighter.

She chuckles and squeezes my sides making me giggle. "Come on, sweet pea. We've gotta get up" she says after a few minutes of cuddling. I groan and reluctantly pull myself away and get up. I reach out my hand for her and she takes it, pulling herself off the bed.

We head into the bathroom and do our routines at our respective sinks. Occasionally leaning over to nudge the other causing us to laugh and spill toothpaste. Once we're all done we get dressed and head down. Deciding on riding our bikes to a nearby clearing for our little picnic.

Diane goes out to pick some fruits and veggies from the garden while I make sandwiches. I go out to check on her since she's been out there for a while. "Baby?" I call for her and she pops her head up from behind a little bush. I giggle as she looks at me slightly startled, I walk over and take a look at what she's up to.

"Sorry... I got a little distracted by some weeds" she smiles apologetically. "Of course you did" I shake my head amused. She stands up from her squatted position and dusts off her pants. We walk hand in hand on the short trail back to the house. Setting the basket in her hand on the counter she begins to wash the pickings.

Handing them to me to cut and put in little containers. We finish up and pack the basket. I go to grab a blanket while she goes out to the garage and waits for me. I run out quickly and hop on my bike excited. She giggles at my antics as I put the blanket in the little basket on the front and turn it around.

She hits the garage button letting it go up and putting the basket full of goodies in her carrier on the front. We go out and she clicks the button again to close the garage. We set out down the empty road lined with trees reaching over. Scattering the sunlight in patches and making shapes on the road.

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