A Look into the Future

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Part 2: This one jumps around a fair bit but try to bear with me

18 years later...

"Happy birthday, my love" I whisper as I kiss her face. Having just woke up she groans slightly, muttering something to herself. Opening her eyes and looking at me she smiles softly. "Hi" she says tiredly, "hi" I reply smiling widely. Pushing a few strands of hair away from her face so I can really see her.

The skin near her eyes crinkling as she smiles at me even wider as she hears our song playing in background. "Well?" She says, "Well?" I reply mocking her voice causing her to nudge me. "Were they telling the truth?" She asks funnily, "no doubt. Though maybe not a cottage in the isle. I've found I prefer maybe a villa in Spain but tuh-may-toe tuh-mah-toe" I shrug.

We laugh together and just lay on our sides looking at each other. "You never manage to not take my breath way" I whisper as I caress her cheek. "And you never manage to not make me blush" she giggles shyly. "One of the highest honors, I must say" I voice sincerely. "You're such a goofball" she laughs before leaning in to kiss me.

"You know you're now the same age as I was when we met" she points out. "Huh, I guess I am" I say thinking about it. "Well as they said, you'll be older too" she smiles. "41. I can't believe I'm..." "that old?" She jokes and I roll my eyes. "I was going to say I can't believe I'm this happy. I never thought I'd get someone like you" I say staring into her eyes.

"Completely and utterly insane" she jokes, "completely and utterly mesmerizing. Someone I'm madly in love with and who feels the same about me. A beautiful person I can actually spend the rest of my life with" I reply seriously. "Ugh it's too early for all this" she says sitting up slowly.

"Good lord" she sighs sitting up, "I told you to do your stretches with me yesterday before going at it with the stair master" I tease her. "Oh shut it, you. Respect your elders" she replies grumpily. "Oh you're right, I'm so sorry ma'am. Do you need some help getting out the bed? Seeing as you're such an elder and all" I say getting out the bed and running around to her side.

Bending down slightly and looking into her eyes with 'concern'. She narrows her eyes at me and pulls me in slowly by my nightshirt. "Do not test my patience" she says in a low tone, I bite my lip and salute her as she lets me go. I already did my morning routine so I could cook while she did hers.

We eat slowly, talking here and there in between. Thinking about what we could possibly do today. "You know I have a feeling, dear elder..." she grumbles at me and I chuckle. "That I'm going to suggest all these things when I already know what you wanna do" I say confidently.

"Is that so? Tell me then" she quips folding her hands on the table and leaning towards me. "No no I want YOU to tell me. Go on and admit it" I challenge her. "I have no idea what you're talking about" she denies. "Come onnn I already know you're a little softie" I tease her and she rolls her eyes while hiding her smile.

She mutters to herself and I hear her but I ask her to say it again. "A picnic" she mumbles, "one more time? Didn't quite catch that" I continue to joke. "Y/n I swear on god's green earth..." she 'threatens'. "I already packed the basket, sweet cheeks" I tell her. Leaning over to squeeze her cheeks making her scrunch her nose.

23 years later...

My eyes flutter open, rubbing the sleep out my eyes. I turn over to find my lover's side of the bed empty. It's cold meaning she's been gone for a while now. It takes me a second to actually wake up and return to life. She's gone. It still feels surreal. It's only been a month and a half, I just can't wrap my head around it.

We celebrated my 64th birthday and I remember thinking: we've made it. The day was filled with love and kisses, laughs and tender touches. Playing that same crazy song that seemed to entangle itself into the intricate fabric of our lives. We went to sleep that night cuddling as we always have...

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