So sweet |c.g|

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I've been at the academy for a few months now. I've actually made a lot of progress. Miss Cordelia says is the fastest she's ever seen anyone advance. I started private lessons with her about a week ago. They were going really well and she says she might even start training me for the seven wonders.

I have course refused, being that she is literally the most powerful witch on earth. However we still are continuing our lessons and I'm very excited for the one today. The only skill I have yet to master is pyrokinesis. I can form the fire and put it out I just can't keep it steady.

I find that there's a little skip in my step as I make my way to the greenhouse. I open the doors and set my bag down in the corner before looking around. I take a deep breath in, smelling the fresh dirt and various flowers. I open my eyes smiling softly as my eyes land on Cordelia tending to a plant.

"Hi" I say softly so I don't startle her, she turns around and flashed a bright smile. "Hi, honey. I'm just finishing up and then we can't start, ok?" I nod and sit at a table near her as she cuts off some dead leaves. Once she's done she sets them to the side and turns her attention to me.

"Alright. We're working on pyrokinesis today" she says more as a question and I nod. "Fun. Fireee" she says funnily making me giggle. "Well I know you know how to conjure it and put it out. So the main thing we need to focus on is controlling the size" she says mainly to herself.

She walks over and grabs a few candles before taking a seat next to me. "How about I walk you through it and then you give it a shot" she suggests. "Sounds good" I reply, she lightly smiles at me and turns to a candle.

"So the objective is to focus on the wick of the candle... don't try too hard. Just imagine what it would look like if it was lit" she says, a little fire slowly rises onto the wick. "You're so good at that" I say smiling at her and she rolls her eyes playfully.

"Then you just put it out really. I think starting small will help you because you have a very direct target" she determines. "Your turn" she says pushing a candle near me. After trying a few times I managed to light a candle without burning the whole thing.

"Good job, sweetheart" she says patting me on the back. "Did you wanna brush up on any other skills today?" She asks and I tell her divination and telekinesis. "Well they pretty much go hand and hand so that's great" she says standing up. I follow her movements and look at her curiously.

"Tell me anything" she says looking into my eyes, "uhh... I'm reading a new book and it's really good" I say. She chuckled and shakes her head a bit. "I meant an object but we could use the book" she giggles. I close my eyes slightly embarrassed and smile.

"It's on your nightstand under a glass of water" she says. "Damn you're good. I didn't even remember where I left it" I laugh. She smiles and closes her eyes for a moment before the book appears in her hand. She hands it over to me and I flip it in my hands, looking back up at her.

"I know you're the most powerful witch on earth but you amaze me every time" I say looking at her with wonder. I see her cheeks turn a soft tint of pink as she smiles. "Stop it" she giggled nervously, "I'm serious. You really are..." I stop for a moment, thinking carefully about my choice of words.

"You really are a wonder in itself. It's an honor just to see you... well, be you I guess" I say smiling. I look up to see her cheeks painted a fierce red. "Y/n... I don't know what to say. T-thank you" she says pulling me into a hug.

I wrap my arms tightly around her, "no need to thank me" I whisper in her ear. Before I can blink my hands are on her ass. I don't think I did that. Cordelia quickly backs away and looks down muttering something to herself. I watch her questioningly as I try to figure out what's going on.

It doesn't take me long to put the pieces together and when I do a smirk spreads across my face. "Delia" I say getting her attention, she doesn't raise her head at all. I take a few steps closer to her and she makes no movements away from me.

"I know concilium when I see it... or rather when I feel it" I tease her. "I'm sorry I know it's wrong, i-it's unprofessional and I know that. Besides you p-" before she can get another word out I seal her mouth. She looks up at me and mumbles annoyed as I laugh at her efforts.

"I know you're letting me do this, you could stop me at anytime" I point out which stops her struggling. I put my hands on her cheeks and release the spell. "How about you try that again" I suggest as I look deep into her eyes. Her mouth opens and closes as she tries to find her words.

"Here I thought I was the shy one" I joke, "I'm not shy" she says defensively. "Then what is it, huh?" I ask tauntingly as my gaze travels to her lips. "You're just so beautiful and I didn't expect this. I mean, I didn't do it on purpose it just happened" she says.

"Your desire for me is so strong that you couldn't help yourself" I say in a mocking tone. Something flashes behind her eyes and before I know it her hand is around my throat. "Don't test me" she says darkly, "I see someone has found their confidence" I reply.

I try my hardest to not act as aroused as I am by her actions. Her grip loosens and she caresses my neck, her hand moving to my jaw. The other cautiously finding it's place on my hip. "Kiss me" I tell her and she doesn't hesitate to put her lips on mine.

I moan softly into the kiss, wrapping my arms around her neck as her body presses mine against a table. We pull away for air and stare into each others eyes. "Be my girlfriend" I say, "it doesn't sound like I have a choice" she smirks. "I'm glad you know that" I sat leaning up to peck her lips.

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