Would you like me to seduce you 2/2

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I wake up, fortunately not to the sound of a blaring alarm like usual. I sigh happily and roll over to check the time. It's 11am, I decide to get up and do some cleaning since I've been procrastinating. I play some music in the background to keep me 'semi' distracted. By the time I finish and look up its 3pm. I should probably eat.


I search for whatever emitted the sound and find my phone.

Winnie 💜:
Hi sweetheart. I'm looking forward to tonight
Me too

I'm literally so nervous. I don't know how I forgot about this infamous date but my delusional ass really thought it was a dream. I run to my room in search of an appropriate outfit. Entirely too consumed to think about eating. Besides I'll be too full if I eat now, and I also don't want to be bloated.


Winnie 💜:
I'll pick you up around 6:30?

Picking me up?! Jesus how am I going to survive a whole car ride with her? I can barely stand straight in her presence. I must've been so deep in thought I didn't realize the time passing.


Fucking hell can this thing stop dinging?!

Winnie 💜:
I could send a car if you'd be more comfortable

Send a car? Can she really do that? Well no shit Sherlock, she wouldn't have offered if she couldn't.


She doesn't reply but I see she read it so I continue my search for an outfit. I decide on a cute black lace top with light washed jeans and a black blazer over top. I pick out black heels and some gold jewelry to pair it with. After I have that figured out I decide to curl my hair and put it in a cute style. I slip on the clothes and do some very light makeup.


Winnie 💜:
I'm about to send the driver, do you still want to go?
Of course

*time skip*

We pull up outside the restaurant and it looks so beautiful. Not as beautiful as her but nothing could ever compare to that. I watch her through the heavily tinted windows for a moment. A spot of moonlight casting her skin in an ethereal glow. She looks even more beautiful that I could ever imagine. I get out and smooth the minimal wrinkles out of my blazer before walking over to her.

She has on a light, almost periwinkle, suit with nude heels. Pretty dangly earrings with amethyst in them, I can't lie... purple suits her. Her eyes seem to light up when she sees me although her face realism somewhat stoic. She opens the door allowing me to go in first before getting our table in order. Once we're sat it's silent as we gaze over the menu.

"How are you?" She asks breaking the silence, "ok, and you?" I asks shyly. "I'm good- great actually" she corrects herself looking at me. "I'm not really sure how to do this" I say shyly, "do what?" She asks curiously. "This..." I gesture between us, "I've never done this before" I explain. "A date?" She asks in disbelief and I nod looking down at the table. My hand grips at the small traces of lint on my jeans.

She takes my hand on the table between both of hers making me look at her. "There's no pressure. Just be yourself, I won't judge you" she says sincerely. Tears fill my eyes quickly at her kindness and sigh at my emotional ass. I pull my hand away and attempt to wipe my eyes but it keeps coming. I didn't put on much makeup but I know at this rate it'll be smeared on my face.

"I'll be back" I say quickly, getting up before she has a chance to respond. I rush to the bathroom and lock the door since it's a single one. I look at myself in the mirror and shake my head. I take a little bag out the inner pocket of my blazer that has the basics in it. I use some tissue to blot my face so I don't make it worse. As I'm about to fix my mascara there's a knock at the door.

I figure they'll realize someone's in when the try to turn it and it's locked. "Y/n" I hear outside the door and it can only be one person. I freeze and don't say anything for a moment, "can you open the door?" She asks pleadingly. As if on it's own accord my body floats towards the door and I unlock it letting her in. I close it and lock it again before turning back to her. We stare at each other not saying anything.

She approaches me and pulls me in her arms without a word. Once I've adjusted I wrap my arms around her waist gently. We just stand there, in each other's embrace, as I think about a million different things. She pulls away putting her hands on my cheeks and wiping away the tears that have began again.

"Don't cry, sweet girl. I'm sorry" she says and for the first time I see something other than lust in her eyes. "For what?" I ask confused, "I'm not sure. I just hate that you're crying" she says honestly. "It's not your fault" I tell her, "how is it not? You were fine until you came here" she sighs. "I was anything but fine, Winnie" I smile sadly, "I wish I could take all your pain away" she sighs frustratedly.

"Kiss me" I whisper, "what?" She asks freezing her thumbs caressing my cheeks. "Kiss. Me" I state and her eyes dart down to my lips before returning to my eyes. "I-" she starts, "wilhemina, I need you to kiss me" I interrupt her. After a few seconds of thinking she pushes her lips against mine in a gentle kiss. We pull away shortly after, making it a quick but thoughtful experience.

"I feel better already" I say giving her a small smile, "you're interesting" she chuckles. "Good interesting or bad interesting?" I ask her goofily, "the best" she whispers, her lips stretching into a wide smile.

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