Say it again |c.g|

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"I love you" she whispered thinking I was asleep. "Say it again" I whispered back and I felt her jump a bit and her heart started beating faster.

"Say it" I repeated quietly now sitting up to face her. "Say what?" She asked pretending to be confused but I saw right through it. "Delia" I said firmly letting her know not to lie to me. "I love you" she said quietly not looking me in the eyes.

"Delia..." I said with tears filling my eyes, I had been waiting so long to hear her say those words.

She finally looked up at me and her expression quickly morphed into concern. She wiped the tears that had fallen from my eyes milliseconds before. "I'm sorry- I didn't mean to make you cry" she said softly and I shook my head.

"Did I overwhelm you? Because if did- I'm sorry. And you don't have to say it back- and I don't want you to th-" I cut off her rambling with a kiss. "Don't ruin the moment D" I said softly smiling at her.

She blushed a little and looked down taking her hands off my cheeks. I lifted her chin so she would look me in the eyes and just admired her for a few seconds.

"C-could you say something? Anything" she whispered sadly. "I love you too doofus mcgoofus" I said laughing softly.

She grinned after sighing in relief and pulled me close so my head rested on her chest again. "You're so adorable" I said quietly chucking into her chest.

"Not as adorable as you" she whispered lovingly, "flattery will get you nowhere Ms.Goode" I said jokingly. "Yeah yeah ok Ms.Goode" she replied playfully.

I sat up again "are you hinting at something?" I asked jokingly. "Maybe" she replied seriously and I buried my head in her chest again. I didn't want her to see me blushing as hard as I was.

"Babe?" She said quietly, after I didn't respond she tried pulling me up to look at her. But I held on with a death grip, like I'd never let her go.

"Baby..." she whined a little giving up on getting me to let go. "Mhm" I hummed into her to let her know I was listening. "Can you look at me?" She asked softly and I shook my head slowly as an answer.

"Babe" she said sternly and I groaned, I hated when she used her 'mom' tone with me. I huffed and sat up nonetheless, now sitting next to her. I still didn't look at her like I know she wanted me to.

It was mostly because I was being stubborn.

She grabbed my face with both hands and turned me to look at her. She raised her eyebrows and tilted her head down giving me the mom look.

I pouted and she sighed and stopped, her eyes regaining their natural softness. "Now are you gonna tell me what's going on? Or am I gonna have to tickle it out of you?" She asked playfully as she reached for my sides.

"No. Please no" I said wrapping my arms around my stomach for protection. "Ok so tell me what's up" she said sitting up fully and crossing her arms.

"Nothing" I say trying to sound convincing and obviously failing since she reaches for me again. "Fine, fine. It's just what you said..." I uttered looking down at my lap.

I played with my finger nervously and she grabbed my hands to calm me. She rubbed soothing circles on the back of my hand which she knew always helped.

"That I love you?" She asked confused and I shook my head. "The... other thing" I said quietly still not looking at her.

It was silent for a moment as she thought and then the realization hit her I guess. "Oh" she said quietly and I immediately felt bad for even saying anything in the first place.

"I'm sorry" I said softly and I think she knew exactly what I meant by that. "Don't be. I understand..." she said quietly clearly trying to hid her sadness and failing.

"Do you?" I asked rhetorically because I didn't really think she did. "Because I don't think you do" I stressed because I didn't want her to think I didn't wanna marry her.

"I mean yeah..." she says shrugging her shoulders but I can tell she's hurt. "It's not that" I say bluntly and her eyes widen a bit, hoping I'll explain I suppose. "I just wasn't expecting you to say that... I was joking" I said shyly.

She rolls her eyes playfully and wraps me in a tight hug. "You're so cute you know that? Absolutely adorable" she says stroking my hair. "And if you're not ready you know you can tell me right" she says on a more serious note.

"I know" I say smiling softly and she gives me a kiss on the forehead.
I look up so I can meet her gorgeous eyes and it feels like I fall in love all over again.

"Y/n?" She says breaking me out of my trance, "huh?" I reply still a little lost in my daydream. "Oh, right" I say trying to get back on my train of thought. "I would love nothing more than to be your wife" I say beaming.

"Really?" She asks biting her lip, I nod slowly and give her a soft kiss. When I pull away I sigh contently and keep my eyes closed for a few seconds more to savor the moment.

When I open my eyes she's staring right back at me smiling widely. "Stop staring at me creep" I joke squinting my eyes at her. "I can't help it when you're so beautiful" she says softly, biting her lip a little.

I frown at her, it's hard for me to take compliments especially from the goddess in front of me. "Stop frowning little one. I'll give you something to make you smile" she says her eyes filling with lust.

"You're so nasty" I say hitting her arm playfully, "only for you darling" she replies cheekily.

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