𝕱𝖎𝖋𝖞-𝕿𝖜𝖔| 52

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"How are they?" Shanice asked as she walked into Adele and Luca's home to see her siblings. Instead of seeing them, she was met with Emiko, another of Dele and Luca's recuse children, as her father-in-law and the others called her. She was older than them by three years, but the girl acted as if she was scared of the world. Still, Shy smiled as the woman pointed to Luca's office.

"If you are looking for my dad, he's in his office, but I have no idea where my mom and your siblings are."

"That's fine... Hey, why weren't you at the baby reveal? You're so quiet, but quiet people need friends too."

"Not her type of quiet people. Miko has a problem. She thinks everyone who is nice to her, she has to serve. Do you know how long it took for my parents to make to girl understand she wasn't their maid or didn't need sexual favors from her? I would have killed the hoe and when about my day if it was me. But no, it's their goal to cure all fucked up children." Adalynn spoke as Emiko held her head down with shame. Shanice could tell it wasn't her fault the woman was groomed that way and didn't know of any other way.

"Sometimes, Lynn, you just need the right guidance, which helps. When a person is groomed a certain way, it's hard to break. Is Opa with someone?"

"Yeah, he and Josiah are in a session. They are out if you are looking for Mama and your little demon-ass siblings. Ma took them out for ice cream and school shopping. Your little brother is evil and nasty. You need to tell him to stay the fuck out of my closet. I found him spying on me, changing clothes. I mean, he is too young for that shit." Lynn said as Miko laughed at the look on her face. On the other hand, Adalynn playful shoved the girl rolling her eyes. Which told Shanice the two of them got along well.

"I only stopped by to see how they were doing. I have a meeting to get to between the Dons and Donnas. I know not much will get done with Xylia on the warpath like it's mine and Xavier's fault that she is pregnant with triples. Hell, I was cursed too and surely wasn't ready for three babies at once."

"Ja, then stop fucking." Lynn laughed. "But all you are nasty ass freaks, so that will never be. Uh-uh, I know about you and your sex clubs adventures. All of you fuck too much...."

"You said that like you don't," Emiko spoke, making Adalynn turn to her with a cock brow. The look said she didn't know shit, but on the other hand, it looked as if Lynn didn't know what she was speaking of.

"Miko, I'm a virgin and plan to stay that way for a while. I'm not ready for children and don't want to risk it. I will stay a virgin until my late twenties if I have to. I have no sexual desires that I cannot handle myself."

"That's disgusting. Is that what girls talk about when boys aren't around? Sex and how you play with yourselves?"

"Siah! How long you've been standing there?"

"Long enough to hear about how my aunt plays with herself." He smirked, walking towards the door only to stop and look back. "Oh, and the sex club thing. All of you are nasty and should watch your mouths. You never know when innocent ears are lurking and what they may hear or tell. Oh, the things I have heard my siblings say and do and what they are hiding. Not Xavier or Xylia, of course. They are good." He laughed before leaving.

"That little muthafucka is a problem. It's bad enough that Eva sees and hears everything...."

"Don't forget Ava, Elias, and Xavier," Shanice spoke while Adalynn sighed, leaning against the wall as they both saw Luca walk into view.

"I know why you two aggravations are here. But why are you? Last I checked, Shanice, you're running late for a meeting. Your siblings are fine. Nothing a good old ass whooping can't handle. Lynn and Miko, you're supposed to be at school; get there or else!" He growled as the two girls hurried out the door. Both were in college, and they were trying to skip. However, Shy got the answer she sought as she quickly went back home, meeting with the others.

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