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"I don't know about this," Keisha spoke, looking through the clothing before her. She wasn't used to choosing her own clothes or wearing the latest fashions. Normally Cameron did it for her. It seemed like every time she thought she was dressing to his liking. She always looked like a slut or whatever name he thought of in his head. Keisha could not please the man, and the only way Cam knew to express his feeling was with his hands or name-calling.

"Why is that?"

"I don't want them to judge me. Moy, you're beautiful and have the body for any type of clothing. Hell, you can put on your husband's clothes and still look sexy. Look at me... me I'm ugly, beaten, and nothing more than a waste of time. It would be amazing if everyone chose a broken woman that ran off with her husband's two children as if they were my own." Keisha spoke as Amoy grabbed her by the arm and forced her to turn toward her.

"Key, look at me! Yuh, stop talking like that! This isn't yuh... it Cam talking making yuh believe you are nothing. Yuh know you're beautiful. Yuh always have been... damnit. Mi had yuh let that battyhole brainwash yuh ass. Listen to me; whatever yuh wear tonight will be sexy, and those kids are yours. Yuh the only mother they have ever known, and Mi be damn if I was gonna let him kill yuh like he did their mother." Moy said as Keisha sighed and looked through the clothing once more as Xylia walked into the room with Eva.

"About damn time. Yuh two are slow as Christmas, and Mi call yuh over an hour ago."

"I'm pregnant and have a reason for being late... I was hungry. I don't know why she was late. Maybe it has something to do with a certain man being her."

"Aren't we nosey? And here I was, thinking Eva was the only one. Plus, I haven't even seen Pedro yet. I was with Adalynn she wanted to go see the new boy.... Evan, I think that is his name. He's sexy, but I don't thinks he's into white girls."

"Adalynn isn't white," Xylia spoke as Eva turned to her slowly, raised brow raised, pointing at her arm and making Amoy and Keisha laugh. No, the girl isn't white according to her DNA, but her skin color tells a different story. Just like her father, theirs, and little sister Avery, she looked white, and as they said, it was the German side of them shining through.

"That's stupid... anyways, Ma, what do you need us to do?" Xylia asked, making Amoy tilt her head and smile. It wasn't the first time one of them had called her Ma, but it was becoming a thing, and she loved it. It showed Amoy how much they loved and cared for her, and as she said before, she would do anything for the eleven of them.

"I need Ryleigh to do something with her hair, and you always seem to have the fashion ideas. I was looking for Eva... I know you can do it to Ry. Have either of you seen her?"

"I heard Rajesh has taken an interest in her since Ry kicked him in his shit." Xylia laughed, making Ryleigh roll her eyes.

"Raj is sexy and all, and if he wasn't our father's friend or whatever... I would lay bare for his fine ass...."


"DADDY! I DID NOT KNOW YOU WERE IN HERE! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME HE WAS HERE?!" She slowly turned to the man sitting in the corner of the living room with Jazzy. Ryleigh smiled shyly as he gave her a stern look. "I love you."

"That I know, but you need to control your mouth. I don't care how you talk to your siblings or the others, but when you are around me, your mothers, grandparents, or anyone else older than you. Talk with respect."

"Yes, sir, and I'm sorry." She said, looking down for a moment before looking back at Amoy with an apologetic look. Although nothing they said around her bothered her, she understood what Xerxes was talking about. "Since this is short notice. I can do a wig, but we need to call Shanice for her make-up because tonight is about Jide."

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