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"I thought you would've come to your senses by now," Major said, walking into Pierre's office. He was trying to find the best way to attack Barkley and Köhler's, and he had called his son to his office to help. The boy claimed he didn't want anything to do with the plan, but he was there wanting to help.

"Good, you came. I have an excellent idea—"

"I don't want to hear it, Father. When will you understand; this is a war we will not win? If we would've attacked a few months ago before all of this shit spiraled out of control, then yes, but it still would have been for the wrong reason. Now, we don't have a change. They have too many people standing behind them. Who do we have? You thought you could do this alone all this time, but you can't. I can't and will not fight a meaningless war, Father. When will you see Barkley wasn't the one that wrongs you? Your mother and father were."

Pierre sat there glaring at his son. It wasn't about what his parents did or didn't do to him. It was about making him feel like he had done something... something that he wanted to do. We wanted his family name to be the one that took down the Oni and killed The Wright family for good. He wanted people to see the Chery family as one of the greats. He knew he didn't have much time left on this earth, but before he died, Pierre wanted to say he did something the Dons before couldn't.

"It's not about that. I don't care about what they did. I want to do something for my children... the ones I fathered. I want to let them know I fought for them—"


"If you only knew the truth." Pierre smiled as Major glared at him like he lost his mind. Maybe he had, but he didn't know the half.

"I think you're fucking going crazy. Do you think I give a damn about us being called one of the fucking greats? Hell no! I didn't want to be born into this fucking madness. You did this. You were the one running about killing innocent people, and like a sick puppy, I followed because I thought it was right! How many more ways do I have to tell you to let this shit go before you kill us all? We don't have to do this war!" Major yelled as Pierre ignored the whiney man and continued with his plan. It was perfect, and he wasn't backing out now. He had put too much into this just to walk away.

"I can't believe you shipped the boys back to their mother's people," Ezra said, walking into the room with Keisha

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"I can't believe you shipped the boys back to their mother's people," Ezra said, walking into the room with Keisha. She slowly looked up with a smile while everyone else did at the same time. He didn't like being the center of attention, but he did it to himself. However, he nicely placed a hand on Keisha's shoulder, nodding to the doorway for her to follow. He wanted to speak to her alone without his siblings or his cousin in his business.

"I did what I thought was right for them. They weren't my children, and after speaking with your aunts, I understood it wasn't my responsibility. I want a life of my own, and if I want to see where this will go with you. I had to let go of my past, I love them, but they belong with her parents." She smiled, stepping toward him. Quickly Ezra's frown turned into a smirk as he kissed the girl's cheek.

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