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"I'm in the middle of something right now," Xerxes spoke as Xavier walked in. He felt like his father was avoiding him, and Zay kind of knew why. He was getting on his nerves about finding Pierre, which he knew he had no right to, but everyone wanted to put that man behind them and move forward. Xavier thought with his father and the others back in charge, it would come faster. Instead, it was like they were taking their sweet time.

"Doing what?" He asked as his father cocked a brow at him. "Please tell me Ma isn't underneath the desk."

"What.... No. Why would your mother be underneath the desk? Wait, don't answer that; unlike you and everyone else, I have learned the value of locking doors. You would know if I were to do something like that in my office." Although he forgot one thing, they didn't pay attention to a locked door. None of them did. To their family, a locked door meant to break in anyhow. Most of them got scared for life doing so.

"I only need a moment of your time, Dad, and I'll be off." Yes, Xavier wanted to talk about Pierre, but he knew this wasn't the time. Xerxes seemed deep into his work, which looked like things from the hospital, things he needed to work on himself. "I've decided what to do about Pierre if that's why you are here. We'll talk about it over dinner tonight."

"That's great, but I didn't want to speak to you about that. "

"Okay, the floor is all yours."

"I've been thinking— about my career choices. Before you start to speak, hear me out, please." Xavier spoke while his dad while it looked like his blue eyes pierced through his soul. It made Xavier nervous every time, causing him to shut his eyes and think about his next words.

"I don't want to study BioMed anymore. I think I like it where I am now."

"And you thought you needed to share this with me because."

"Because you're my father and—"

"Don't even say it. Never once did I ask you to study that field. I told you to do what you wanted. You're the one who picked that. Xavier, what is really going on? A few weeks ago, we almost lost you... last night your wife had to call me to help get you in the house." He spoke while Xavier stared at him like he lost his mind. He was fine and didn't need anyone to lecture him about what he was doing.

"I know how it feels to have a near-death experience, Zay. I was where you were... I saw my life flash before my eyes, and the last thing I saw where my children. Son, I've been shot, stabbed, and blown up a few times; I know what you are going through. You're young and scared you won't see your babies grow up. You can't sleep because that night keeps replaying in your dreams. Not sleeping or eating is not helping you. Drinking only makes it worse, and so does smoking. You promise to talk to your Opa or one of your Aunts. What happened to that plan?"

"I don't want to relive that day. I don't want to live our lives in constant danger all the fucking time. It feels like the more we try to keep ourselves out of this mess, the more we sink." Xerxes chuckled, making Xavier shake his head. "I learned a long time ago, Zay. There is no escaping this life. The best we can do is stay quiet. After Pierre, that's what I plan to do.... And stay at the head."

It wasn't like Xavier was going to put up a fuss. He enjoyed his time as Don but needed more time to prepare for the job. It was why he gave the title back to his dad. It felt like the right thing to do. Plus, Xerxes wasn't ready to step down, and after being Don for a year, Xavier learned he wasn't ready to take over. He did some good things and caused people to fear them, but he was still learning, which he would rather do from the sidelines.


"You didn't let me finish. I plan to stay at the head, but I want you to be my underboss. Elijah will remain as one, but he brought it to my attention that we are a big mafia. One underboss for six Dons wasn't going to cut it." He spoke while making Xavier arch a brow. From his knowledge, the others had underbosses unless they stepped down, and he didn't know it.

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