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**Trigger Warning**

"I thought you said this lunch was between us young people? Why the fuck is his old, decrypted ass here? Go find our parents or something. Barkley, what we told you about being strays home?" Elias spoke as Ziggy laughed. Xavier and his brother shook their heads as Roman handed him a blunt.

"He has to be Elijah's son."

"What's it to you bitch? You want to throw some hand because I'm skilled in every fucking form. Nobody is scared of your oversized head...."

"Lias, we're going to ban you from smoking today if you can't shut the fuck up!" Xylia yelled, making Elias say something under his breath before looking at her and smiling. "What did you say?" She asked as he shook his head.

"Not to be noisy... Yeah, scratch that. I am being noisy. What did my Opa want with the two of you?" Xavier asked. Barkley didn't say a word. He just handed him the papers he still had in his hands while the man read over them and then looked between him and Rajesh.

"You're brothers?"

"That's what the papers say. Mi was thinking about the club tonight. Mi needs to get some shit off my mind, and Mi thinks it would help me get to know my big bredda. What do yuh think? We could go to the one in the community or the city. Either one would do. Mi just want to sit back, drink and smoke while listening to some music." Barkley spoke as he watched Ava run towards the bathroom while Ziggy sighed, following her.

"What's up with those two? Zig is always up Ava's ass lately...."

"They are fucking, and she lied to our faces. Just wait until Unk find out he got her pregnant...."

"WHAT?!" All the females yelled but Shanice and Eva, which wasn't surprising that she knew. It seemed like the girl had seen everything. No one was safe around her if they had a secret, but she never told shit.

"I knew, and it is something that I wish I had never found out. Ava nasty... I mean straight-up nasty. I walked in on the two fucking, and she was letting him spit in her mouth and shit. It was hot as fuck but nasty. Almost like watching porn, but it was right in front of me. It made me go play with myself."

"Evie! You could have kept that to your fucking self! Did you watch them fuck? Like seriously, watch?" Shanice asked as the girl shrugged her shoulder and then looked back at her phone, unfazed.

"I'm nasty, and I like to see others fuck, and I can join if I can...." She spoke as they all looked at her crazy. "Hey, I draw the line at my siblings and cousins. Although I have seen Barkley dick down Xylia, and that shit was fucking hot with a capital H. Barkley packing his shit is about fourteen inches, maybe bigger."

"Yuh talking about my shit, and yuh going sit there and let her. How the fuck did yuh see mi and yuh sista?" He asked as she looked at her phone with a smile.

"Next time, don't fuck with your MacBook open." She said as everyone looked at each other while laughing. Eva had been spying on them, and that shit was fucking nasty. What sister like watching shit like that.

"You're fucking nasty...."

"Don't get me started on you, Zay. You're my brother, so that I won't talk about you; your dick size ain't small...."


"Whatever... or the nasty shit you and Shanice like to do.... Elias don't even speak."

"You're unbelievable! Answer this one thing. You haven't been spying on the older ones, have you?" Xylia asked as Eva frowned, looking at her like she had lost her brain cells. She hoped she would say no and was glad to see her face.

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