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Pierre was beginning to wonder why he had children; all of them were becoming useless to him. The only thing they wanted to do lately was whine about everything he was doing wrong. He had reasons for his plans, which involved killing off the Wright Family. They didn't belong and surely didn't belong in his family. None of them existed to him, and he hated that his son found out the truth. Although now he had to move fast. Pierre didn't know what his son had planned next and how he talked. His next move could be to contact Barkley.

If the children change sides, everything he had done up to this point would be for nothing. Barkley death was within reach, but Major and his thoughts were putting him two steps behind. What on earth was going on, and why was everything plotting against him? Pierre should have taken Amoy's offer rather than acting like he didn't know who she was. The woman had a great plan to attack the Köhler's from the inside. Her plan was perfect, but Pierre thought he needed no one's help.

His one mistake was not asking the woman who she was working for, and now she wasn't answering any of his calls. The bitch was something else, but what worried him the most was as they were all too quiet for his liking. The silence was driving him up the walls, and he didn't know what way to turn. "Finally came to your senses, I see."

"No, I came to see if you have come to yours yet. Father, this war is pointless. There is no need to kill someone that hasn't harmed our family. I told you it wasn't Barkley's father who killed yours; the person responsible for it is dead. Why must you carry on this war." Major spoke, making Pierre roll his eyes, scoffing at his son. He didn't understand shit. It wasn't about that. The Wright family only causes problems with theirs. It was a curse that could only be broken with all of them dead.

"The Wrights are a curse—"

"And you are fucking crazy. A curse, Dad... a fucking curse. Maybe you are the curse. Have you ever thought about that? I mean, no one in our family thought about bringing down the Wright family until you. Even with the history of our rivalry, no one thought about bringing the war back between our families but you. Look at what you have done. Half of your children are dead, and why? Did you know Amoy also got herself killed?" He spoke, making Pierre slowly turn to him with his brow arched.

"What that has to do with me?"

"Nothing, but word on the streets is she had her own agenda. The Dragons hired her to kill Barkley, but she was a part of the Abdullahi Mafia... what was left of the racist bastard that the Köhler's didn't kill. Xerxes figured out her plan and killed his wife." He laughed, rubbing his beard while Pierre glared at his bullshit.

"There was no way Xerxes killed his wife. The man is ruthless but not that fucking ruthless. Hell, he let his cheating wife live. Why kill Amoy?"

"Cheating and plotting to kill someone are two different things, Father. Amoy was a threat to his family, and Riley was someone he had never gotten over." He shrugged, making Pierre wonder how he knew so much about what was happening with the Oni. There was something Major wasn't telling him, and he was starting not to trust his son. For the past few months, something was changing in him, and Pierre couldn't place a finger on it. He knew his best bet was to watch the man and his back if he wanted to live.

"Yeah, okay. I think I have a plan, but it will have to wait until the morning. I need sleep, and you need to get lost."


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