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"Elias, we don't have time for bullshitting today! Get your high ass in here before I drag you!" Luca yelled, hurting Lias's head which caused groan. Luca may have thought he was high, but it was the other way around. He let his crazy ass dad, cousins, and uncles talk him into going out the night before, and Takahiro had the perfect idea for them to go out to a Sake Bar.

Elias knew he should have stuck with the liquor he knew best, but his dad and Hiro insisted he tried it at least once. Before he knew it, he was drunk, and that didn't stop Xavier and Barkley from handing him blunts. The shit was fucked up. Now he could barely move, and his head felt like something was hitting him with a hammer.

"Here, drink this," Luca said after Victor walked into the room and said something in a hushed tone. Whatever it was, caused his Opa to sigh. "What is that?" Elias asked as he made the mistake of smelling it. After that, there was no way he was drinking it. His dad and grandparents knew how he was. He wasn't putting it in his mouth if he smelled or looked disgusting.

"I'm not drinking that shit."

"You will even if I pour it down your throat." He said, turning on the light, making Elias groan again with a huss. "Got damnit, boy. It is half past twelve, and today is your wedding day. Out of all the fucking days to get drunk, you did it the night before your wedding. Ja, you are your father's son. Drink the shit, Elias, before I choke your ass!"


"What the fuck did you just say?!"

"Luca...." Victor finally spoke, causing the man to let out a deep breath. "Elias, stop acting like your father and listen to your Opa unless you don't want to get married today. Your wedding is in two hours, and it's across the city. In case you forget, we are in Japan, and your bride-to-be is at the location now getting ready. Think about Yejide and the baby you two have on the way."

Elias rolled his eyes. All they were doing was talking shit. He just needed a few more minutes and would have been fine, but he did what they asked. However, he didn't want to. Quickly he held his nose, throwing back the drink, which tasted as if it smelled... disgusting. Soon it hit his stomach. Everything wanted to come back up as Opa handed him a trashcan.

"Next time, don't let your crazy ass father and Hiro talk you into drinking shit you know nothing about, Lias. Hell, Eli doesn't even drink, so why in hell would you listen to him?" Elias only glared at his Opa, sighing because the man knew the answer, but he was right. His dad did shit for the hell of it, and so did he. "Oh, before you go. I have a gift for you."

"For what?"

"When did you start asking questions?" He smirked, handing him a small box. Elias studied it briefly before opening it to a set of keys. At first, he was confused until he thought about why his Opa would be giving him something like this. "You have never complained about your living conditions, but I think you and Jide have been in that apartment long enough. Plus, you have another baby on the way... it's a wedding present, and the house is beside your three best friends." He laughed.

There were always houses being built in their community. Therefore, Elias never thought about the way they were building a new house beside Xavier. As Opa stated, he wasn't the one to complain about his living conditions. He lived in a two-bedroom penthouse by the main house, which overlooked the lake. It was beautiful, and he guessed only big enough for him Yejide and baby Melody. With a new baby on the way, he needed something bigger, but he wasn't going to fuss about it.

"Thank you...."

"You're not welcome. I did it for Yejide, not your ugly little ass. Now go shower... and don't make me come drag your ass out."

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