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"Ri, can we talk, baby?" Tobias asked as Riley sat in the kitchen feeding their baby girl Tess causing the girl to scream seeing her dad, which made Riley smile. She loved their bond, and Bias didn't try to take all her attention away from her nor put all his on Tess. It was an equal thing, and she loved it.


"What are we doing here? You say that you love me but doing dumb shit, like fighting with Amoy over a man you claim not to love anymore. If you didn't want to leave Xerxes, you shouldn't have walked out. You shouldn't have pursued a relationship with me. One thing you cannot have is the both of us, and it's pretty clear Xerxes doesn't want you." He spoke, making her stop to turn to him with a frown. What the fuck was he trying to say? Plus, Tobias knew nothing.

"If Xerxes wants that Jamaican slut he can have her, but what they won't do is turn my children against me. I never said I wanted him back...."

"Riley, what type of fool do you take me for? Or have you seemed to forgive what you told Amoy months ago, and I was there yesterday! I witnessed you get your fucking ass beat because you claimed that Xerxes was still yours. I'm not going to sit here and let you play me for a fucking fool for a muthafucka that doesn't even want your ass, and I'm starting to see why!" He yelled as the nanny quickly walked in, taking Tessa and Riley stood. He hated what he was doing, but as her parents said, it was for the best.

"Tobias, you are shit... fucking nothing! You know that? You think that you are lucky that I chose to sleep with your bitchass, then you are fucking wrong. I did it because you were easy... a broken, stupid fool looking for someone to want him. I don't need you! I did you a fucking favor bitch!"

"Do you enjoy making people feel bad about themselves, Riley? Maybe that is what you need; someone to make you feel bad about yourself. Maybe that is the problem. You aren't shit. A poor excuse for a woman that always whines and cries like the spoiled bitch she is. One that never learned to grow up and accept her wrongs. The one that can tell her ex that she was the one that got pregnant because she feared that he would leave her. Or how you knew what your so-called friend was doing but chose to blame him. You drank and talked a lot... Or how about we talk about how your children grew up, but their mother didn't. How you envy them because they're what you never were or maybe. Maybe I should go tell Adele how you obsessed over your father-in-law...."

"SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP, TOBIAS! YOU KNOW SHIT! I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU! I WILL KILL YOU!" She yelled, running at him as he swiftly pulled a needle from his pocket, removing the top. Once Riley was close enough, he stuck it in her neck.

"I'm sorry, but you need help... I love you, but the only way we could have made this work is if you had gotten help. Maybe after you are well, baby, we can try again." Tobias said, kissing her forehead before she went limp in his arms.

"What the fuck was that? Tell me you were lying about that last past. TOBIAS, TELL ME YOU WERE FUCKING LYING! SHE WAS TRYING TO SLEEP WITH LUCA! LUCA... LUCA, THE MAN THAT HELPED US RAISE HER. THIS FUCKING CHILE! RODNEY... TAKE YOUR DAUGHTER BEFORE I MURDER HER... This stays between us. Tobias, please do not tell Adele. The one thing she doesn't play about is her fucking husband." Paris said, pacing the room as he nodded and left.

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