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"It has been four fucking hours! I thought she said she would call in two."

"What if Pierre killed her?" Lyric spoke, making everyone in the room look toward him. It was a possibility. He had beaten the girl earlier that day, which nothing would stop him from killing her. Xerxes knew the man didn't give a damn about his children. Therefore, it didn't take much for him to pull the trigger on his daughter and walk away.

"We should call her—"

"No, we shouldn't, BabyGirl. Anything could have happened. Give her a little more time." He spoke as Xavier's phone dinged. Quickly the boy looked down while Luca glared over his shoulder, reading the text after he whispered something into his ear while sitting back with a relaxed look.

"Change of plans. She and her brother are coming here."

"Have you lost your fucking mind, Luca?"

"Liebe, when have you known for me to not use my mind in situations like these? No, I have lost my mind. Raven and Major are bringing our package to us. Apparently, they came to their senses, or Pierre tried his luck. I guess the man tried to kill his children because they did a number on him. We'll be lucky if he survives the trip over here." He spoke as he tapped Xavier to turn his phone around for them to see the picture. Pierre was bloody and bruised, and Xerxes couldn't be any happier. The stupid war he was carrying with Barkley was about to be over. Still, something was bothering him, and he hoped they would get their answers soon.

 Still, something was bothering him, and he hoped they would get their answers soon

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Four Hours Earlier

"What took you so fucking long?"

"I made a stop. I needed female things, and I knew Major wouldn't go get them." Raven spoke, showing her father her pads and some other things she needed. Pierre hummed, snatching his food from her hands. Raven sighed but ignored his actions as she took a seat. The entire time Pierre eyed her as he occasionally looked down at his phone. She knew something was wrong as Raven quietly stood and hurried to the door. She didn't quite reach the doorway before Pierre grabbed her by the hair, throwing her against the wall.

"Major isn't here to protect his precious little sister right now, is he." She struggled underneath him, but he was too strong. Raven didn't understand what led to this attack. She had done everything right, but he acted as if he knew something. It couldn't have been from earlier that day. He had already beaten her for that. It also showed he was scared of Major because all of his attacks were when he wasn't around.

"Where were you for a fucking hour and a half—"

"I told you getting personal supplies. Do you want to check to see if I'm bleeding or not?" She hissed as he applied pressure to her lower back. "I don't need to check. You asked me to go out two weeks ago when your nasty ass was bleeding. I may not talk to you that much, but I know when your fucking period is on. You cry about it each time. Who the fuck were you whoring your body out to?" He spoke.

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