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Xerxes was over sitting in bed all day long. He wanted to get up and go where he pleased but couldn't. Something was wrong. He could feel his legs, feel others touching them but couldn't move them. Everything else worked but his legs. It was bullshit, and no one was telling him what was going on, and it didn't make it any better his family was treating him as if he was a baby. He wanted to get back to him, not looking at four walls all damn day.

"Sitting there mad at the world isn't going to help anything, son," Luca broke him out of his thought when he spoke. Quickly his eyes met his father's as he smiled; still, X turned to look back at the wall. He wasn't in the mood for one of his father's therapy sessions, and he guessed the man wasn't either because he pulled back his covers and started to lift him from the bed.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting you out of this room for a little while. I talked to Stacie, and she said it would be good if I took you out."

"Well, I don't want to fucking go! Put me back!"

"What are you going to do? Run." He laughed while Xerxes stared at the man as he placed him in the wheelchair. He didn't see shit funny, but it seemed to amuse his father as he continued to laugh, wheeling him out of the room and downstairs to the gym.

"Are you trying to be funny or cruel?"

"Neither X. It's nothing wrong with your legs. It's all in there." He spoke, tapping his head, making X look down at his father kneeling in front of him, putting on his shoes. "You know how a baby can move their legs, stand up, bounce on them but can't walk? It's because their motor skills haven't kicked in to know to move their legs one foot at a time to get where they need to be. You remember your hands could move to hold a cup but can't write or hold utensils correctly to eat. It would help if you reminded yourself to move your legs. Meaning you need to learn them again."

Xerxes wanted to argue as his dad lifted him to his feet quickly, making him hold on to the two bars in front of him while he stood a few inches away, telling him to take a step. Yeah, it sounds easy, but his brain liked it as if it didn't understand the command.

"I can't do this...."

"Xerxes, you can, and you will! CAN'T ISN'T A FUCKING WORD IN OUR VOCABULARY!"

"AND YELLING AT ME ISN'T GOING TO FUCKING HELP EITHER, DAD! I CAN'T FUCKING DO IT... I don't understand it took me three days to learn to use my hands again. Why can't my brain understand to make my fucking legs move!" He yelled, not realizing he was walking toward his father; as he stepped back each time, he took a step.

"Because you were overthinking it, X. You're frustrated, and I understand, but I refuse to let you give up," Luca spoke as he reached the end. His father smiled, kissing the side of his face and then asking him did he want to do it again until his phone buzzed, forcing the man to look at him and back at him with a smile.

"This is going to have to wait. Amoy just had the baby...."

"What! No one cared to call and tell me she was in labor?!"

"It wasn't that easy, X. It's something about these babies or the woman that has them. They either ignore the signs telling them they are in labor or the babies are forcing themselves out. Your mom said her water broke, and she just fell out." Luca spoke with a smile. On the hand, Xerxes was confused. His dad just said she, and X was sure Amoy said they were having a boy.

"Please tell me she did not have twins...."

"Nein, Faith made a mistake. You have a new baby girl that will be lucky to have you as her father and that you are woke to see her." He said, helping him back into the wheelchair. From there, his father drove them to the clinic to meet his new baby girl. The only problem was all his children, but one had beaten them there, and Ryleigh was hogging the baby.

Köhler: The Coming of a New GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now