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It was the day before Valentine's, and Xerxes had this big thing planned for Amoy. The only thing was he didn't know how she would take it. Moy had recently told X that she didn't care too much for the day, but he knew he had to do something special but was second-guessing him and needed help. So, he did what anyone else would in his situation went to his parents. He knew he was old enough to figure this out on his own, but a second opinion would help him greatly.

"What the fuck do you want?"

"Damn, dad, and here I thought you would be happy to see your son. You know, given the fact I almost died." Xerxes spoke as Luca glared at him. "I need your help...."

"And I'm not the fucking Love Guru. What the hell do you kids think; I have to answer to all your love needs. Hell, I have a love life myself, and I can't get ready to leave to take your mother on her trip because you are the sixth fucking child of mine that has walked through that damn door. Then you, all of my children, know good damn well you don't need my fucking help." He sighed, sitting down. "You are still yourself without her, Xerxes. Do what you feel is right, and stop thinking of it as; I did this with her, so I don't want to do it with Amoy. Do what you feel is right; what you feel that your woman will love." His father spoke.

"Amoy love the snow... I was thinking about Finland. Then like you said, I thought about how I have taken Riley to the same place. I feel it would be wrong or bring up old memories. Dad, I'm fucked up. I love Amoy, but I...."

"I know, but you have to be happy, and you're choosing to be happy. I know it's the day before Valentine's, and I shouldn't be having a session with you, but I feel I need to. Answer me this one question, and it will give you your answer. Who makes you feel more like yourself when you're with them? Make you feel like to don't have to hide who you are or express yourself without being judged." He asked as Xerxes stood there looking at his father like he was crazy.

"I don't have to answer that because you know the answer."

"Then stop second-guessing yourself, Xerxes!" He semi-yelled with a sigh. "Take Amoy to Finland; tell the woman how much you love her and forget everything else. I won't be here forever. You boys have to start relying on your own feelings and intuitions. Most of this is partially my fault; your mother was right, Rodney, and I shouldn't have played matchmaker...."

"That's a lie. Riley and I would have ended up together either way it went. I just hate it turned out the way it did, not for myself but for our children. I could have left a long time ago, but I stayed because I loved her and our kids. When I divorced her the first time, I should have left it, but she promised me she would change." Xerxes said as Luca looked up at him shaking his head.

"People will say anything to get what they want. If she didn't change the first, what would have changed if taken back this time? Do you think she would have changed now? The answer to that is no. Riley does what is best for Riley. Tobias isn't a pushover, and she needs that pushover back. Being locked away for six months is only helping her condition, not her mindset. Who she is has nothing to do with her Bipolar disorder. She's spoiled to the point it can't be fixed. Now stop thinking about that girl and think about the woman in front of you. How to please her... how you give her another child."

"And I know you have lost your mind. Dad, I'm not having any more children. I'm fucking thirty-eight with eleven kids, and you think I want another. Hell no! I'm not you." He laughed as Luca stood, patting him on the shoulder.

"That's what I said after Melody and Elijah were born. Then nine years later, Kamaria showed up, and your mother's tubes were tied... just like how Jazzy showed up. Another one can." He laughed, walking towards the steps as his little sister entered the house.

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