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"There are the final touches." Shanice smiles at Jide through the mirror, causing the woman to smile back. She couldn't believe how beautiful she looked. Most of all, she couldn't believe she was about to marry. Elias meant so much to her; he was there when she needed him most. Not only that, he made her believe in herself, love and cherish what she had, and forget the things in her past.

She would still be afraid of life if it weren't for him. Afraid of Madison and all for nothing. This was a new beginning for Yejide. In her mind, she was about to walk into that room with her head held high. Nothing was about to stop this day for her. That much she meant. However, she had to admit Shanice did a damn good ass job on her face.

"Okay, you did this. I didn't think anyone else could match my energy."

"I look at your make-up styles, everything Jide. I think I know what you like... this wedding is going to be dope. Black, blue, and gold. I always loved those colors together."

"Yeah, but how many times did Yejide change the color, though? She pissed off Aunt Bella and Liyah. Not to mention Aunt Violet was about to rip her a new asshole." Xylia laughed, making Jide. It was true. She did change the colors about ten times because of Elias and the other men who refused to wear them.

Elias didn't like that he had to be in a purple suit and made it a point he would die before being caught in something like that. She also learned he and his cousin hated every color but black, red, blue, gold, silver, and some greens. They were more difficult than females, making Yejide want to scream. Although they finally decided on royal blue, some gold, and black. Jide didn't know planning a wedding could be so damn stressful.

"All that was your cousin's fault. I wanted a purple and black wedding, but he refused every color but blue."

"Uncle Eli much.... I swear that man is a remake of his damn dad. I know all you remember how he showed his ass at Uncle Atlas's wedding because they had to wear pink. Then it was Aunt Ella's wedding to Uncle Ian...."

"Oh, he did show his ass at that one... Selma, way, are you not dressed?" Ryleigh asked as the girl walked back into the room with a frown. She shook her head and pointed at a dress hanging behind Jide. They didn't even notice she had left it behind until Shy sighed, handing it over to the quiet girl causing her to leave quickly. Before the door could shut, Adele, Nova, Paris, Riley, Amoy, and Zakiya walked in.

"We usually give speeches, but there is only one thing I need to say to you. Put. Down. The. Phone. And. Listen. I say this because marriage is built on communication, and if something else is taking that away, it causes problems. Elias came to be a few months back. It was around the time Maddi showed back up in our lives." Dele spoke, making Yejide look down at her hands with a small nod.

"They had a meeting discussing whether we should kill Maddi or let her return. I wasn't paying attention because I was watching videos on my phone. So when I saw Maddi for the first time, I thought they were testing me."

"Mm, and it ended with you putting your hands on Elias. Baby, that boy is just as crazy as his father and Opa. I know he loves you because he comes to me and his Opa a lot and talks. He was ashamed of himself for doing what he did, but it was a cause of miscommunication. Not only that, but you are not using your words to express your feelings. You're going to have a misunderstanding. It's a part of marriage, but you must listen to one another because it's not a one-way road. Most of all, don't let other people in on your problems. You can never be so sure who's your friend or not." Adele spoke, but Yejide believed the last part was for Riley and Amoy more than her.

"One more thing from his cousins. You hurt him. We will beat your ass, Jide. I don't care how much I love you. Elias is my blood, and I will go to war and back for him. He's not just my cousin; he's my brother too."

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