53 : Unlucky Luck

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It was a simple yet comfortable diner. If you were given the opportunity to hang out with someone, you would invite them to this spot. The best view is from the table close to the floor-to-ceiling glass window. It has a western movie vibe about it. And if it isn't due to the crowded consumers, you may be acting like one as well. You and Yoongi planned to eat lunch later than usual so that it wouldn't be as packed. But I guess not everything goes as planned. And the diner must be well-known for their amazing food because the tables were nearly all occupied.

Or perhaps it was because the waiters and waitresses were simply too delicious for some hungry eyes. You and Yoongi were fortunate enough to get a table next to the glass window. Excellent lighting for a few selfies.

But guess it was too soon to speak.

A young and very friendly waitress cat walking - more like limping for you - towards the table and decided to have a right in serving your table. A bit too friendly perhaps.

"Hi handsome. What can I get for ya?" She said in a cheeky way. And it annoyed you to the bottom of your stomach. As cliché as this sound, she tried to lean down, bending her body, with both arms on both sides of her chest. Pressing her boobs together. Disgusting.

As you try to peer around the other waitresses, you stretch out your neck. And it appears that this waitress took the effort to unbutton her dress shirt before she came, exposing her cleavage. Pathetic.

Why can't she dress properly like the rest of her colleagues? Once again, disgusting.

You suddenly regretted convincing Yoongi to wear foundation to conceal his bruises. Maybe leaving a few spots won't make them stare at your man because he looked like a mob. The attractive one. And perhaps instead of flirting like a snake, they would hide in fright.

Good thing you sat in front of Yoongi, a bit pissed off, but at least you could take note of the movement of his eyes.

And good for him, he kept his focus on the menu template before he landed on you.

"What do you like to eat, baby?" He lifted his eyebrows. And to your annoyance, that fist-hunger geolle literally just had her eyes on him as if you were just another stupid brown couch.

Like really? This kind of person still exist in this era?

You put down the menu template as you hummed, pretending that you were thinking deeply. "I think I'll just have what you'll have, baby." Purposefully pressing down the nickname.

Yoongi just shook his head in amusement before he continued. Guess he saw right through you that easily.

"Two tuna melt toasted with bacon grease and one milkshake with two straws please." His eyes didn't stray away from you as he placed down the template. Gaining a frown from that bug from the lack of attention your man gave. Instead a satisfying smile flashed in your glowing face for the overflowing attention.

"Why are you smiling like that?" He stated the obvious.

"Like what?" You responded with an innocent blank face.

"Like you just got away from doing something bad." He raised his right eyebrow as he sought to pry your explanation.

You replied, innocently shrugging your shoulders. "Nothing."

Fortunately, he stopped asking you further questions. Most likely, he simply doesn't want to make a big deal out of a few silly little things.

But that word absolutely had to curse you in some way.

The shop owner was informed of the new customers' arrival by the sound of the bell ringing. And it just so happened that you chose a seat facing the diner's entrance. You looked away from Yoongi as soon as your ears picked up the recognizable high voice.

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