11 : I Think I Like Her

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Yoongi POV

"Can you sleep beside me?"

I was quite shocked when she said that. I mean we're not that close and we just known each other like about 8-9 weeks. So I was unsure whether it's right to sleep with her on the same bed.


She looked scared. Maybe it's because of what happened a few moments ago. Usually I saw a happy and bright in her, but now, all I see were scared and frightened emotions. It breaks my heart seeing her like that. I felt like I want to protect her for the rest of my life. Even we're just a friend.

Finally, I nodded. Then, she took my hands and lead me to her bedroom. We laid down on the bed and I could feel her eyes staring at me as I stared at the ceiling. It'll be awkward if I turned around now facing her. Not long after that, I heard a low snores on my left side. She already asleep. I turned to her and didn't realize that I stared at her sleeping face for a long time. She looked so innocent and fragile. I'm not sure whether it's because of the night lamp that makes her face looks glow and soft. She looks like someone worth fighting for. Someone I should fighting for.

"I think I like you more than I should." I whispered. I stared deeply and slowly I drifted off into the dreamland.



I squinched my eyes, trying to open it as the bright light piercing into my room. My movement was blocked as I was about to turn around. What was in front of my eyes was something that I didn't expect to see this early in the morning. My face was just a few inches away from his. His hands were on my waist and that explains how close we were. Then, I just realized that my left hand was on his chest! I don't know what I was thinking, but I didn't move a muscle. I just stared his face. His face looks so peaceful when he's asleep. So peaceful that only I could only heard my heart beats faster than usual.

Suddenly I remembered about yesterday's incident. He kissed my forehead! I didn't realize it since my head was so wrapped up with the view of the man that followed me and I was so relieved that Yoongi was there.

"Starring is rude, you know."

My eyes widened. I have been starring at him and all this time he was awake! You pulled yourself away from him and hid under the blanket, holding yourself from blushing. Well if that's even possible.

"Good morning, Y/N." He greeted. I heard him chuckled and also turned around, stretching his muscles.

"Good morning." I said in a low volume without looking at him, still embarrassed of what I just did.

"Did you slept well?" He asked again as he turned his head towards me. I lowered down the blanket and turned my head facing him but didn't look him in his eyes. "Yeah I did. How about you?" I asked.

"Yeah, me too." He replied as he smiled. Suddenly a ringtone broke the short silence. He took his phone the table beside the bed before answered it.

"Yeah. I'll be there in 15 minutes." I looked at him while he turned off his phone.

"Work?" I asked.

"Yeah. I think I should leave now. Call me if you need anything." He replied as he got up from the bed. I tossed the comforter away and followed him to the front door. He suddenly turned around that I almost bumped my head on his chest.

"Can you do me a favor?" He asked as he looked down at me.

"What is it?" I replied as I looked around, avoiding the gazes since I was almost humiliated myself for the second time.

"Don't leave the house unless you have someone accompanied you. Either me or your friends. Will you do that for me?" He asked, more like pleaded. This time I turned my head and stared at him for a moment.

'For him?' I guess he really worried.

"O-okay." I nodded and replied quietly. He grinned. We bid our goodbyes and I watched him left walking through the hallways. I closed the door and went back inside my room. I went into the bathroom, took my toothbrush and put the toothpaste on it before I brushed my teeth. My eyes looked straight at my reflection as I brushed my teeth, but my mind was full of thoughts about Yoongi. I just realized that I felt strangely safe whenever I'm with him although I just known him for a few weeks.

I remembered his worried face when he saved me at the street and also before he left my apartment. I mean everyone else could show it but not as sincere as him. Before I knew, my hand's movement was already stopped and my face was blushed.

'I think I have a feeling for him.' I smiled as I continued brushing my teeth.


Yoongi POV

I took off my shoes after I went inside my dorm. The sound of the security lock on the door showed that the door is auto locked. As I walked towards my room, I saw Jungkook and Jin in the kitchen whereas Jimin and Taehyung at the living room watching TV.

"Where have you been all night?" Jimin asked.

"Somewhere." I replied short. Then there was silence. I guess they knew that I'm too lazy to answer their questions. Plus, I felt so sleepy because I can't sleep well last night. I felt worried. I was on my way to her apartment, but as I drove in the street, I saw her on the sidewalk. I was about to call her but I didn't when I saw her face. Who was the guy who followed her?

Shortly after I went inside my room, the door was knocked and the next thing I knew, someone let himself in and I already knew who was it.

"What's wrong, bro?" He asked.

"Nothing." I replied as I remove my coat and shirt. Jin stayed quiet for a moment before he continued.

"With that look on your face doesn't look 'nothing' to me. Come on. Spill it out."

I sighed. "Nothing can go through you huh?"

"Of course. My face knows everything." He chuckled as he made that worldwide handsome jokes. Again.

"Remember the girl that you set up the blind date for me?" I asked as I faced him. He nodded as he remembered that event he planned for me.

"I think I like her. A lot." I confessed as I scratched behind my neck. He laughed, not in mocking way, more like he was excited about the news.

"Did you told her yet?" He asked. I shooked my head slowly.

"I'm not sure if she felt the same." I replied. I looked down on my feet as I played with my ears, feeling a little bit insecure. The feeling that I have been familiar with for a quite some time now. Then, Jin broke the silence in the room.

"Have a date with her. A real one."

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