37 : Bailout

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After making sure there's no one around, Bambam and Yugyeom left the vehicle and quickly went inside the forest. Although there's not many bushes around, which is good though, it's easier for both of them to walk without worrying about the possible thorns around the forest floor. And it's better to have company whenever going to an unfamiliar place so that each person could watch out for each other's backs. Same goes in this case, whenever Bambam gets confused with the direction, since the landscape of the forest is almost the same from any aspects, Yugyeom will tell which way to go.

But sometimes, danger is always sneaking around even though all safety has been applied. Bambam looked upward when he heard birds chirping, making sure that it is the bird who chipped and not the lurker. But that was a mistake. The path he chose took him straight to a steep hill. And he didn't see it. Yugyeom on the other hand was lurking around to make sure that no one followed them and just in time he saw the path that they're heading to. But it was too late for him to warn the man in front of him.

"Bambam!" He said loudly but not too loud. But Bambam's left leg was already sliding down the hill, dragging his whole body. And that Bambam disappeared from Yugyeom's view. Yugyeom quickly followed Bambam by sliding down the hill as safely as he could. Although his hip hit some of the bumps along the slide, but he doesn't care. All he thought was his friend's safety. When he reached the bottom of the hill, instead of seeing a man groaning in pain, he saw his friend just patting his own butt from the dirt.

"Are you okay, bro?" Yugyeom stood up and also patted his butt. But he heard his friend's laugh instead.

"That was so fucking dangerous... But fun though."

Yugyeom chuckled as he knew his friend was more than okay.

"And look what I found." Yugyeom turned to Bambam, curious at what his friend pointed out so he turned towards the direction that Bambam faced.

A fence. A 6 metres barbed wire fence.

And there's guards everywhere.

"Let's go." Bambam walked to the side instead of forward to the fence. Not that they're heading to the entrance of course. That's suicide. Since there's tons of guards, it means they had sights for the area. But everyone knows, every sight has its blind spot and that's what Bambam and Yugyeom are looking for. The blind spot, where no one can see who's coming in or out of the facility. After a few minutes walking, they found it successfully. It was at the back of the building where the loading bay was located not too far from there. Funny thing is, the loading bay doesn't look like a loading bay. Usually all of the roller shutter would be rolled up for loading activities. But somehow, only one of them rolled up as if they're hiding something.

"Hmmm… hiding a loading activities means they're hiding something." Yugyeom stated as he looked around while Bambam cut the wire into a suitable size for entering. Luckily it wasn't an electric wire or he'll be dead sooner than he thought. After Bambam cut the last string, he shoved back the plier and went inside. Luckily for them, the cutted wire was blocked by the pile of old barrels and wooden boxes, so no one would notice it quickly. Perhaps.

They crouched and walked carefully towards a truck nearby and hid behind it. A male voice appeared and it got louder by the time a male staff walked towards the back of the truck where both of them were hiding. Bambam and Yugyeom quickly sneaked to the other truck, away from the man. Bambam sighed in relief. But that relief was replaced with another problem as another man from another side approached the back of another truck that they were hiding. And if they don't make a quick escape, they'll get caught by both of the men. Then, Bambam felt his arm being nudged. He looked at Yugyeom and saw Yugyeom gestured towards a direction. An inventory room.

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