52 : If Only I Was

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"A sad fact is that with life comes death.
It will happen to all of us.
But that doesn't make dealing with or understanding it any easier."



Some people believe that one sign of how your day will go is the weather.
For happiness, it's sunny.
For gloom, it is cloudy.
A downpour for grief.
But occasionally, things turn out differently than we had anticipated. Early in the morning, it might be sunny, but it might start to rain later.
or the reverse.
And it is the way of life.

People would briefly smile as they took in the clear skies with their special someone. But in the blink of an eye, that moment can be vanished. They appeared in front of us in an instant, and then poof! They're no longer there.
And it is the way of life.

What a cruel irony, life and death. That wailing and weeping were both present. The only distinction is who experienced the emotions.

The deceased's altar and the entrance to the funeral room were both decked with funeral flowers. And the altar's centrepiece there stood the deceased's portrait. The gloomy room was filled with the crying and sobs of family members and friends. Wailing. They were massaging their chests as though doing so would make their pain go away. Children gave their parents hugs. Friends offering words of comfort and pats on the back to one another. In order to address their pain, some people leaned against the wall and spoke quietly to themselves in a low voice. squeezing the grieving living's hearts. Some people spend their time chatting with acquaintances while holding a plastic cup of light liquor in each hand, discussing how lovely their shared experiences are. Gulping down all the sorrows.

Death does leave a wound that no one can mend, and love does leave an immutable memory. Grief. Grief is the price we pay for love.

"You came alone?"

A hand wrapped around yours, forcing you to stare down at your hand. Before you looked up, a sorrowful smile crept across your face. Nodding and making eye contact with the owner of the sweet voice.

"Ouh I'm so sorry, little one." Mrs. Ahn released the hand grip and wrapped her arms around you. Maybe an embrace was all the mourners needed to get through the day. You hugged her back, as you snuffled slightly.

"He was a nice person, Mrs. Ahn."

"I know, little one. I know." Mrs. Ahn was weeping quietly. Her hard hold on your forearms demonstrates how strong she was to protect herself from falling apart. She then lifted her hand and reached over to tuck your hair behind your ear. As tears welled up in your eyes, you grabbed Mrs. Ahn and hugged her again tightly. And again pulled away as Mrs. Ahn's acquaintance met the older.

You stood in the centre of the room, absorbing the surroundings. The rooms were filled with a dark black ocean. Another group had just arrived as several had already left. They greeted and condoled with the deceased's family. It was a painful picture, yet the gathering of people was beautiful. Each recounts their wonderful memories together.

"It's mesmerizing, isn't it?" A familiar voice broke in. You shifted your gaze to the side, glancing at the half-visible familiar face. Considering your clearly perplexed expression, the latter then proceeded.

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