40 : Normal?

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A sudden touch of cold wet object against your cheek pulled you out of your deep thoughts. You turned your head just to find a glass of cold water right in front of your eyes.

"What were you thinking?" Yoongi passed you the glass before he went to sit beside you on the couch.

"Nothing." You gulped down the cold water. Feeling content as the cold liquid went down through your esophagus, quenching down your thirst as well as chilling down your body. At least that's what it feels like.

"Are you sure? Because I literally heard you sighed like hundreds of times." He wrapped his hand around your waist and kissed the side of your head. It's been a few weeks since Yoongi moved in with you. And since the day you and Yoongi talked it out about the previous misunderstanding, Yoongi seems to be more clingy and kisses you a lot. Not that you are complaining. But you did ask him about the sudden change of his behaviour and according to him, the day you collapsed in his lap, because of the sleep deprivation, made him realise that he needs to appreciate everything he loves every minute so that he won't regret it later. Especially you. Well, you couldn't disagree with him more.

"I just thought that maybe..." You stopped to find the correct words to explain.

"Maybe what?" He leaned his back against the couch. You put down the glass and then followed him by leaning your head against the crook of his neck.

"Maybe if we were to live a normal life, we wouldn't be in this mess." You continued as you traced your finger against Yoongi's chest. Yoongi hummed in response as he also thought of the possibility of living a normal life.

"Maybe." He replied nonchalantly. "But you know what that I'm hundred percent sure about?"


"If we were to live a normal life, I would've worked my ass off day and night." You hummed in agreement. "And the next morning, I'll propose to you and get married the next day." He continued. You slapped him in his chest and turned your head facing him.

"Oh my god, that's so cheesy, Min Yoongi."

"What? It's true though." He defended himself. "Unless that you-"

"I do." You cut him off. With that response of yours causing him to beam a smile on his face. You then jolted your body up a bit and pecked his soft lips. He then pecked your lips back before both shared a long passionate kiss. However, that kiss was cut short when there's a ringing doorbell along with a few knocks on the apartment door.

"They're here." You quickly patted Yoongi's arm and got off from him, which caused him to groan in disappointment as he threw his head backwards. You chuckled at his childish act. He looks like a child who was resentful for not giving them to watch TV. You promised him that if he's in good behaviour today, you'll probably let him do whatever he wants later. But for now, you walked towards the door and unlocked it. Revealing people that you have been waiting for an hour to arrive.

"Oppa! Welcome home!" You moved aside so that the guests could walk inside. "Hi guys!" You greeted the rest of the guests.

"I still think that I should stay at the mansion. The boys can take care of me, Y/N." Mark stood up from the wheelchair while letting others handle the wheelchair. You held his arm as you guided him to the dining area. Not that he couldn't walk, but he was advised not to walk too much so that his cuts on the thigh would heal perfectly. He also still felt like the decision to stay in your apartment is a bad thing. You and Mark have been discussing where Mark should live for days before he was discharged. Yes, Mark got discharged today after almost three weeks in the ward. But with how stubborn you are, he had to agree with you. Not wholefully of course. Both you and Mark agreed that he will stay in your apartment at least a week before he goes back to the mansion.

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