22 : Save Your Tears

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It's been a week and a half since the shocking news. It was hard for you to move forward in the early days, but you are better now. Not alone of course. The girls and others helped along the way. Sometimes they would come to your apartment and have breakfast or dinner together. Sometimes they would just come to have a chat so that you won't feel alone. Most people took a quite long time to keep on moving further, some adapted quicker than they thought they would. But you? Some say you'll learn something from meeting people along the way in your life. And you did.

On that day, you decided to go to the store nearby since your tissue paper was out. You wore a mask just to hide your bloated face. Yes, you're still crying although you tried not to. It was hard for you to let him go after all the things he did for you.

You stood in front of the paying counter, waiting for the cashier to scan the barcode of your items.

"40 dollars." The aged woman who also works as the cashier told the total price. You were pretty aware that the lady was eyeing you as you took out a few pieces of cash from your pocket and gave it to her.

"I know you. I've seen you walking in and out of that building." She said as you were waiting for the balance and the receipt.

"I'm sorry?" You were confused with the sudden statement. You were pretty sure that she mistook you with someone else since you wore a mask.

The lady looked at you again as she counted the balance cash.

"Yep. I know that face. What should I call you, agent?" She said nonchalantly without looking at your shocked face. As she lent you the balance, she giggled as she looked at you.

"How did you-" The words can't get out of your mouth. You turned around to make sure that no one else heard her. And luckily there's no other people in the store.

"My husband was one of you guys." She smiled. You could see the wrinkles of the cheek muscle at the end of her mouth.

"Where did he go?" You asked as you were a bit confused with the past tense. She let a deep breath as if it was a story that she had kept for a long time.

"He died when he was on his mission." She explained but the smile on her face didn't leave.

"How?" You asked but you instantly regretted asking it as it sounds a bit rude. You apologize but she said it was nothing to be sorry about.

"He fell from the plane. Maybe he was being pushed out from it. And he fell in the middle of the three junction road traffic." She explained but this time she had a sad smile while looking down as she was wiping the counter. You were silent as you didn't know what to reply.

"And I know you lost someone too. So, be strong. At least be strong for them." She continued. You wanted to cry on that spot but you have a lot of questions to ask her.

"Aren't you sad when you hear the news?" You asked out of curiosity.

"I was a nurse before I worked here. I also have seen a lot of blood and dead bodies and met their families. So hearing the sudden news of people dying was my daily routine. Am I sad? Yes. But I already knew the risk of his job. But to be honest, I prefer this better than not knowing his whereabouts for years." She giggled as if it was nothing bad news to her. But from the look in her eyes, you could see that she's longing for her husband.

"How did you do it? How did you forget him?" You asked.

"Oh, no dear. I didn't forget him. I will never forget him." She smiled widely before she continued.

"But sometimes, things that were left were actually a mission for us to be better. To be stronger. And I believe that they would want us to be like that too. And I bet that if destiny flipped around, they would've done the same thing." She advised as she walked out from the counter and stood next to you.

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