10 : Stay With Me

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Three weeks have passed after meeting with Yoongi at the cafe. But we met each other a few times. At the park, the restaurant and the cafe that we usually go. But I didn't get the opportunity to see him this week since he said he's busy with his work. It's not like I don't have work to do. Last week, I had to go to the company everyday to brainstorm about the case I'm handling with Jin. Jongsuk's whereabouts was still unknown since the day he ran away when the other agents attacked his partner's workplace. It's like he was off the grids. Jin did asked me about going back to one of his place that I have been into before. Since I'm working with Jin, so I had to tell him about the previous mission I did where I retrieved the suitcase from Jongsuk. I told him that it was risky since he knew that I've been there before. Even if it was me, I would never go to that place again after what happened. We had no other choices except to track down all of his partners and the person that related to him. Maybe with that, we'll get the pattern of his ideas.

"I'll get the team for spying Song Yunhyeong." Jin said while we're cleaning the table from the scattered papers.

"Aren't we supposed to tell Mr. J first?" I asked as I raised my right eyebrow.

"Yes. But let me do it. Go home and rest. You look tired." Jin said as he grabbed my shoulder. I nodded and continued tidying up the scattered files. We both went out of the room and locked it before we head out to the lift. Jin pushed the down button for me. I went inside the lift after the door opened while Jin stayed. We bid our goodbyes before the door closed and went to our own separate ways.


Present Day

I have just finished my work and I am walking down the street in the middle of the night to my apartment. I had to work alone today because I heard that Jin just completed his mission, so I asked him to take a rest. I know I should took a taxi but I just need to take some fresh air since my head was full with questions. Yes, Jongsuk's whereabout was still unknown. We had some leads but not strong enough. Plus, my apartment was not that far, just about 20 minutes walk.

After about 10 minutes walking, that's when I noticed someone was following me. I continued to walk a few blocks and took a several turns instead of walking straight to my apartment just to see if that person still continue to follow me. 5 minutes past and he still following me.

'This is not good.' I thought.

The street was not that dark. There's some lamp post here and there, a few shops were still open but  there's not much people around. I picked up my pace obliviously so that he didn't know that I realized his existance. Somehow he picked up his pace too. I couldn't run,  because if I did, he'll know that I realized I was being followed and he might try to hurt me from behind. I also can't run to my apartment or he'll know which street I live.

Just when I was about to turn at the corner, someone grabbed my hand harshly from behind and the next thing I know was I was in someone's arms. I struggled myself to get out of the tight embrace.

"Hey, hey. It's me."
I looked up and saw a worried emotions all over Yoongi's face. I saw the guy who followed me retreat back through the corner of my eyes. I can't see his face as it was covered with his baseball cap and shadows. All of sudden, my eyes pooling with tears and my knees felt weak. I don't know why I felt so weak that night. Maybe it's because my mind were scattered around. Or it just because I'm still a woman. Even though I learned martial arts for my protection, my emotions are still the same like the rest of the women.

I hugged him back and faced his chest, crying hard. He embraced me and kissed my forehead as he patted my back gently, trying to comfort me. We stood there for about 5 minutes before I released my arms and wiped away my tears on my face.

"I'm sorry." I said as I wiped my face. I looked at his coat which already had a wet spot on his chest because of my tears. "I'm so s-sorry." I sobbed as I touched and tried to wipe the wet spot of the coat using my hand. I know it's useless and I don't even know why I did that! Suddenly both of his hands moved from my arms and cupped my face.

"Hey, don't be sorry. It's okay to cry. I'm here. I'll protect you." He eyes met and locked on mine. His face was just a few inches away. Usually I was the one who tried to protect other people, especially when I'm on my mission. But this time, for the first time I felt so safe and secured.

"Come on

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"Come on. Let me take you home." I nodded with his hands still on my face. He smiled and took my hands in his. He walked me to his car which he side parked not far from where we stood. We got in the car and went to my apartment.

After we arrived, he accompanied me until we're in front of my apartment's door. I pushed the door open but didn't entered. I turned around, facing him.
"Thank you for saving me." I said as i was fidgeting the doorknob. He smiled as his hands in the pocket of his jeans.
"It was nothing. Go take a hot shower. You'll feel better." He replied. I let go of the doorknob and continued fidgeting with my fingers.
"Can you umm stay for tonight?" I asked. There was a complete silence for a few seconds before he replied.
"Are you sure?"
I nodded slowly. "Okay." It took awhile before he replied.

I opened the door wider for both us and went inside. He followed me to the living room.
"Please make yourself at home. I'll go get myself change." I said before left him with the turned on TV. I went inside my room and had a quick hot bath before changing into my nightwear.

As I went back to the living room, Yoongi quickly stood up when he saw me came nearer.
"I'll sleep here. If you need anything, you can find me here. Do you perhaps have some extra blanket?" He asked. I nodded and pointed at the extra rooms where the girls usually sleep if they stayed over.

"Okay. Let me help you bring it out." As he was just about to turn around to go to the room, I grabbed his arm, stopping him from walking to the room. He turned his head around, facing me with a confused face.

"C-Can you sleep beside me?" I asked with a lower voice. He stared at my face. Shocked with the sudden question.

"Please?" I continued. After a few seconds, he finally nodded. I felt so glad and relieved. I held his hand and lead him to my bedroom. We both laid on the bed side by side. He faced the ceiling while I faced him. There's a small gap between since I don't have the long pillow. Not long after that, I felt my eyes became heavier and blurry and the next thing I knew, it was already pitch black.

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