32 : Let Me

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The short needle on the wrist watch points at 9 and the longer one on 4. But Yoongi was desperate. He hates it when people misunderstood him, especially the ones that he loves. Despite the fact that it was already dark outside, he stood there, battling whether to knock on the door or just wait for the dark cloud inside the room to calm down. Although he knew the password, but with his common sense, he felt rude to just unlocked it. Although this soon will be his too.

If only he didn't go to that place. If only you didn't go outside that time, then you don't have to see it. And everything will be back to normal. But it's already happened. And nothing that he could undo. The pain wrote all over your face when he held your arm earlier hunting him with thousands of questions, piercing through his heart. And the thought of you sleeping with tears kept on abusing his mind, making him hope that he was by your side instead of at this doorstep, wiping away those tears he caused.

His mind rewinding the evening incident and he felt relieved and guilty at the same time. He couldn't believe the woman that he was assigned to follow giving him a piece of advice.

After you left the stores, he was debating himself whether to bust the mission and follow you, explain everything to you or complete the mission and explained to you later. But under any circumstances, he just can't bust the mission because he's finally going to retrieve the most important information. And he don't have any other choices but to choose the later thought. He walked back towards the female and went towards the place that was planned earlier.

After Yoongi and the girl ordered the drinks, there's a short silence before she broke it.

"I know why you're following me, Yoongi." She stated. Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows since he really didn't understand what she's implied to.

"How about we just go straight to the point, shall we?" She giggled at his confused face. "I know what you want from me, Yoongi. You don't think I won't remember the face of the guy that I met in the club a few months ago. And I also know that the guy at the table behind me is one of you too." She displayed a sweet smile. As if she doesn't mind what would happen to her later that day.

"But I can't help you much though." She continued.

"I'm sorry, I don't get what are you-"

"You want information about Agent Tuan, aren't you?" She cuts him off. Yoongi dumbfounded, as if she just read his mind at the back of her hands.

"How did you-"

"I'm not that dumb, Yoongi. I also need to do some research to make sure that I'm safe too." She explained. Right after she said that, the waiter placed down the ordered drinks. Yoongi waited for the waiter to leave before he continued.

"Then, I guess I don't have to explain you more." He said as he took a sip of his drink.

"I'll tell you what I know but with one condition."

"What is it?" Yoongi asked curiously.

"My safety." She stared at his eyes, pleading that he would accept the term. And to her luck, he nodded.

"I know exactly where he is." She continued.

After paying the drinks, the two exited the cafe. The next words she spitted held Yoongi back from taking another step forward.

"You love her, don't you?"

There was a short pause.

"She's none of your concern." Yoongi replied coldly. However, she responded the opposite.

"I know." She smiled. "But I can't ignored the way you looked at her." She continued. Yoongi rolled his eyes, hoping that she would stop reading him.

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