34 : Formulation

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"So you're telling me… I mean us, that Mark is still alive?" Bambam asked for reassurance from you as he read the paper you retrieved from the pathology department. You nodded.

"And I need to save him." You added. A short silence passed.

"I hate to break this. But I think this is a trap. Whoever it is, he knows that you'll go there alone. And that's what he wants." The guy named Jungkook explained. You sighed. He's right though. Like really a bullseye shot.

"Fine… What do you guys have?" You fold your hands across your chest as you looked at them one to another.

"I think we should tell Yoongi-"

"No! Please… Just not him." You cut Bambam off. They all flinched with your sudden rejection and later then they just nodded. You just can't face him yet. Just not yet.

"How about the girls?" Bambam asked again as he referred to your close friends Rosé, Jennie, Jisoo and Lisa. To be honest, you really want to tell them, but on the the other hand, you also don't want them to be in danger because of you. So do these three people in front of you, but they insisted on helping. And you know it's been awhile since you see them but they're busy enough with their new missions. And you don't want to disturb them too. You were about to say something but Yugyeom cuts you.

"Then, there's gonna be 8 people altogether. Isn't that too much? They'll feel threatened and that's not good in any way." Yugyeom laid out his opinion.

Bambam sighed. Even if it was you, you would feel threatened too. And when people felt threatened, most of them would do something that's out of their humanity sense range.

"Then what?" You turned your head towards Bambam. He sighed for the nth time.

"Then I guess it depends on us now."

If you want to make something to turn into a good output or in this case to put Mark out of whatever danger he is facing, preparation is kinda essential. Especially in this kind of situation where danger is pointing from everywhere.

Wrong step? You’re out.

Wrong tools? You’re out.

Wrong outfit? You’re out.

Based on your previous missions, you had at least one week of preparation for a mission. At least!

But this time, you only have 2 days. Not a perfect time to have leisure activities. Even the rest time is being shortened. Every second counted. It’s like you’re preparing a last minute study for the next morning test. A lot of pressure!

Unless, you are working with a free-spirited person. You remembered that time when it was the day of the month, and the next day was your D-day of your mission. You could imagine how you felt if you ever crossed paths with uncooperative annoying people during your mission. But luckily for you, you were partnered with Agent Jung, or also known as Hoseok. Such a bright person he is.

Well, even though he wasn't, of course you need to control your emotions just like what you're trained for.

Even though on the previous mission, mostly you just needed to make sure the country president or any high-positions were in good hands, some preparations were needed. Even just you were just assisting them from place to place. Or just guarding them during important events like president selections or any other related campaigns.

Why? Because danger is everywhere. You might find a sniper from a random building, aiming at them. If you’re lucky enough, you might meet crazy people who think they're smart enough to penetrate the secret agent’s safety defence and attack the president.

Therefore, at this point, formation and strategy in their safety are really, really important. There’s no strategy without a formation. In your case, there are varieties of formation and strategies.

And why is that? Because based on the message given, it only stated the address and the time. No objectives. No main reason for meeting. And no identities.

Usually, if they are holding hostages, it’s either money or.... 

Maybe just money.

“You should rest” A male figure leans his body against the doorframe of the company’s gym. You’re not sure how long he's been there but you were pretty sure he’s been standing there for quite some time now. Watching you abusing the punching bag.

“Oh, Jungkook. I thought you were already leaving.” You wiped your sweaty forehead with your left arm. Well... since your other arm is not fully healed yet. You just met him a few days ago, when Bambam brought him into your apartment. He had almost no words come out of his mouth the first time you met, but guess he needs time to be comfortable with someone he just met to be more open up.

You walked towards your bag and took out your water bottle before you drank it. He shook his head and walked towards you.

“I was actually.” He took a seat beside your bag.

“But?” You raised your eyebrow. He just shrugged his shoulders. You continued to drink your water.

"So" He broke the silence. "You're the Y/N that they all talked about?" Jungkook grinned. You stopped drinking and turned your head towards him as you now raised both of your eyebrows, couldn't catch up with what he was talking about.

"Yoongi-hyung…" He smiled as he said that name. "Always talk about you with Jin-hyung. I just heard half of it when I passed through the room." He explained as you look so confused to him.

'So he knows Yoongi and Jin.'

"I see." You just nodded. Too hurt just the thought of him as an image of him and another girl flashed in your mind. However, you can't help but be curious about what they were talking about. The word room somehow made you wonder how close they were. You tried to hide it though but somehow Jungkook could see through you.

"I guess you're special to him." He added. Okay now you can't hide your curiosity anymore. "What do you mean special." You sneered after you heard that word. He wouldn't go out with another woman if you're 'special' to him.

"Well, I don't know specifically. But what I do know is, Yoongi-hyung never talked or even memorized any girls' names before." He continued. You stared at him, trying to process the words. It was fluttering yet confusing. You shook your head since you felt it was too overwhelming for you. And you don't want to feel that this evening. Especially when you have a big event tomorrow. So you just nodded. Silence followed.

"I don't know what happened between the two of you, but what I can tell you is that everything hyung did has its reasons. And we just didn't know what." He smiled sincerely, showing his cute adorable bunny teeth.

"Thank you, Jungkook." You thanked before you took another gulp of water and put it back inside your bag. You unwrapped the boxing wraps on your hands and placed it inside your bag before you zipped it close.

"Let's go?" You asked Jungkook, as you guess that he's not leaving the place without you leaving first. Maybe he doesn't want to feel guilty for leaving you walking home alone. Or at least leaving you here alone. He looked up at you and smiled before he stood up from the chair and followed you out with his bag over his body.

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