49 : Trick or Treat?

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"Jin-hyung... They need our help."

Everyone in the room had a puzzled face. Either they didn't get to connect the dots or they were confused about who it was about. And you're included.

"Who needs our help, Hobi?" You tried to hide your shaking voice. Luckily it came out better than you expected it to be.

"Hobi, what happened?" You asked him again as he didn't answer the first question. He seems hesitant to answer any of your questions. The anxious feeling inside you is starting to eat you up slowly. Deep inside you already knew the answer but guess you just need someone to spit it out for you. Or to be exact, you want him to say it out loud. Scratched that. You need him to.

"Namjoon and Yoongi-hyung." He muttered.

Of course! He was also on the mission with the other two. Since the other two didn't show up, so they're the one who needed the assistance. But what kind of help tho?

"They were held captive, hyung." Hoseok grunted in pain as Jin continued to patch him up.

Captive? Your eyes stared across the room. Finally he said it. The word that you wanted him to say as a confirmation of your wild guess. And from the wound Hobi got, it seems that they were in a tight situation before he could finally escape from whatever situation they were in.

'Well of course they did! Why would they send him if they didn't get held back?'

Your hand reached the couch, hoping that it would hold you up. Your knees as if finally gave up after you heard the new info. Then you felt a hand on your shoulder, a comfort kind of grasp. You turned around and found it was Jimin's. He then motioned his head, signaling you to take a seat which you obliged.

"What really happened, hyung?" Jimin voiced his concern after so long in silence. Another groan came from Hoseok as Jin wrapped his wound with the bandage.

"The other day, Namjoon found something about the men at the mall. It was about them meeting with someone with a higher position in the organisation, in a building in a secluded area. Hence, we decided to go to see who they're meeting with. Tried to connect some dots." Jin replied.

"We?" Jimin interrupted him. Sounds a little bit shocked as he didn't know much about the incident. It was understandable as you nor Yoongi had already told Namjoon and Jin to not tell everyone about it. Except Mark. And now obviously Hoseok knew too.

"Yes. But-"

"So technically you knew their whereabouts all along?" You cut him off before he could even finish his sentence. Your voice almost came out as a whisper.

"Affirmative. But, before you guys decide to continue to interrupt me, please let me proceed with my goddamn sentences." Jin scowled and rolled his eyes. He then continued after he made sure that no one attempted to interrupt him again.

"As you can see, I didn't get to join them as Namjoon ordered me to stay so that Y/N and I could continue the search. So we agreed to put Hobi here to aid them. Plus Hobi here had been in that town before."

"Once... And I was sent to do a mission in that area. It was a perfect plan though. And nothing that is irregular at first. Not until we arrived in the radius of the building." Hoseok added, interrupted the older but the latter seemed didn't mind the interruption at all.

"Something crawling into my consciousness. As if warning me about something but I couldn't figure out what it was. The good thing is, the anxiousness I felt was not just what my mind made up. Namjoonie and Yoongi-hyung felt it too. But before we could do anything, we were ambushed."

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