23 : Evil

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You were on your way to the company. Well, not because Mr. J gave you a new mission but something just popped on your mind a few days ago. Something about what Mr. J told you on the day of the ceremony clicked your thoughts. How can they couldn't find any evidence or even DNA of Mark's on the scene? At least a piece of clothes or even a strand of hair. And why everyone was found and not Mark. It was as if he was targeted. So you decided to have the talk that Mr. J promised you.

You were sitting on one of the couches in Mr. J's office, staring at the pictures of the crime scene in the file that you were holding. Mr. J was walking back and forth, explaining the situation.

"We weren't able to contact them a week before the news. No reports. No signal. Not even on radar. Nothing. Then, we decided to send a few other agents to investigate. It was almost nothing as if it was being cleaned up except the shooting sounds and a few blood stains which we already ran the DNA test on. Sadly after the result came out, it belonged to one of the agents that worked with your brother."

You nodded as you just saw the picture of the blood stains before you turned on the next page.

"And there was no sign of struggling in their motels." You added as you saw another picture of a clean motel room.

"How about the autopsy?" You asked.

"The result of the autopsy stated that most of them have a few broken ribs and some deep cuts on their arms and legs." Mr. J stopped walking as he looked at you.

You hummed.

"And nothing on Mark's?"

Mr. J shook his head slowly.

"We even searched on the ground. You know... Just in case." He continued as he was eyeing on you. To his shock, you look pretty well taken and calm.

"What do you think, Agent Tuan?" Mr. J asked for your opinion.

"Well, to be honest, I think something is fishy. How can a massive shooting cause all the victims to have more broken ribs instead of bullet holes in the body? And getting deep cuts during a shooting is somehow weird. Well, unless there's a missing bullet passed through their skin." You explained.

"So you're saying that they're been tortured first and died before the shooting?"

You nodded as you looked straight into his eyes.

"Well it is possible. It's not like I don't want to have some hope, Agent Tuan. And there's no evidence proving that theory yet." Mr. J continued as he purposely highlighted the 'and'.

He was right. There's no evidence that can prove it. It was just a theory. This brought your back into deep thoughts again.

"I'm not sure what you were thinking but I hope you don't get high hopes on this. It'll only hurt you more once it slipped out of your sleeves." Mr. J advised.

Your mouth is sealed as you don't know what to respond to. It felt like Mr. J was reading your thoughts. Or maybe he just knew his workers too well. But you won't give up. Because these thoughts kept you moving further. Without it, you might be still in your apartment, laying on the bed with no hope of moving forward.

Both you and Mr. J turned your heads to the door as you heard the sound of the door slide open, revealing Mr. J's personal assistant who already made her way in and bowed.

"I'm sorry for interrupting you, Mr. J. But you have a meeting in 5 minutes." She reminded Mr. J as she lowered her head.

"I almost forgot about it. Thank you for reminding me, Mrs. Kwon." He replied.

The lady nodded and bowed again before retreating out of the office.

"I'm sorry for holding you back, Mr. J. Didn't know you had a meeting." You apologize. You now quickly tidied up the coffee table and stood up, getting ready to leave.

"It's okay. I was going to tell you about it anyway. And good to know that you feel better now." He smiled.

"Thanks, Mr. J." You bowed.

"Update me if you have something to add in, Agent Tuan." He bowed back.

"Okay, Mr. J. I will." You smiled before you made your way to the door and left the office.

You continued your thoughts on your way down to the lobby. Thinking of the strange patterns of the incident and the ways to get more information about it.

'I guess I should go check it out myself.'


A loud scream filled in almost the whole building. Asking for whatever the reason makes him scream to stop.

"You should be grateful that I'm being nice today. Or you won't be alive right now." He said as put down a bloody and small knife.

Only a fast panted breath can be heard throughout the silence room.

"You won't talk?" He asked but the other person seemed like not responding to his question. He smirked seeing how reluctant and stubborn the person is.

"Hmmmm it's okay if you don't want to talk. I guess you won't need it anymore." He lifts up another knife but this time it's bigger and cleaner then the one he used a few moments ago. He went back to the person and pulled the person's head back by grabbing his hair causing the person to hiss in pain. He then traced the knife along the person's cheek.

"You know what. I would love to have a person like you on my side. Loyal. Devoted. But sadly, you already have picked a side. So... " He traced the sharp blade near the person's mouth before he cut the mouth wide open across the cheek, causing the person to scream in pain. The person was trembling, not just trying to escape from the tied chair but also from the pain that he's going through. The hands of the man who cut him were already covered with blood. There was no sign of sympathy in his eyes. He dragged the blade away and laid it back on the other side of the cheek. He did the same thing he did on the other side of the person's face. The tied person again shouted in pain. He only let the person's hair go when he saw that person was already unmoved. He was still alive though but his energy was all used up by keeping up with the pain of all the tortures he went through, causing him to faint.

The man stood back straight, staring at the unconscious guy whilst still holding the sharp blade that now was already coated with blood.

Suddenly the sound of the door open and closed was heard. Another guy walked towards him but stopped when he saw the pool of blood on the floor underneath the chair.

"Umm sir... She's already gone back to the company." The guy said half whispered.

He now smiled from ear to ear, pleased to hear the news.

"Good. I was starting to wonder when." He now cackled with a wicked laugh. 


The Butter song was freakin dope!! 🧈

스무스 라이크 버터 𝅘𝅥𝅮 𝅘𝅥 𝅘𝅥𝅮

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