31 : Faith

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Yesterday, you had spent the whole day resting as what Bambam asked you to do. It's refreshing but somehow it bores you. You woke up and had your breakfast, went to watch some movies, scrolled through your social platforms, watched movies again, cleaned your house abit, again with the social media, and meditated, which also means you took a long nap. So today, you decided to run some groceries since your fridge is almost empty. And maybe took a detour through the park. So you put on a long sleeve shirt and sweatpants before you went to the nearby grocery store.

You sat down on one of the benches in the park as you took another small bite of your ice cream. Enjoying the view of other people doing their own daily activities in the park. Some were exercising, some were having a picnic with their beloved person, some just sitting on the bench whilst reading or drawing. Somehow you already made a note in your mind that after Yoongi's done with his work and the move in plan, you want to have a picnic with him in this park under that shady tree.

"Hello again, young lady."

You quickly turned your head towards the opposite side and a familiar face came into view.

"Ahjumma." You smiled back as you offered the seat beside you.

"Aigoo it's been awhile, isn't it my dear?" The familiar aged woman patted your knee as she sat down beside you.

"Yes, it is." You nodded and honestly you did miss her.

"How have you been? Omo! I forgot to ask your name the last time we met." She asked enthusiastically, mixed with a motherly tone.

"I'm sorry for not be able to introduce myself before. I'm Y/N. And thanks for your precious advices, ahjumma. It helps me alot. I'm getting better now." You held her hands which she placed it on your knees.

"Aigoo what a beautiful name! Don't call me ahjumma. It makes me feel old. Since you look like about my daughter's age, just call me Eomeonim." She winked at you playfully. To be honest, she does look like no more than 50. And by the way she walked or moved, she seemed to be younger than her actual age. And from the way she talks amused you.

"Where were you going, Eomeonim? I thought you were at the store." You curiously asked.

"I was just taking a walk. My daughter forced me to have my 'me time' and close the store just for today. She said I worked too hard. I didn't though. I just like to stay in the store." She explained. You giggled when she explained how over worried her daughter was and she even confused which one is the mother actually. You could even relate when she described her daughter's behavior. The lady's daughter behaved exactly like her brother, Mark. Maybe one day, you would like to meet her.

You walked side by side with the lady as you both conversed with each other until you both were outside of the park. Both you and the lady had to go separate routes since she had to go back home. You asked for her phone number just in case you decided to visit her one day. Then you bid her goodbyes and received a warm hug from the lady. Since her store was closed today, you had no other choice but to go to another store in the street which is a bit further from your apartment. But you don't mind the distance since you did plan on spending the day outside your apartment.

You thanked the cashier after you paid for your items. You walked towards the exit of the store as you held the paper bag. You were right outside of the store when someone bumped into your side. Luckily the groceries didn't fall or it would be such a waste. And a mess.


That voice.
Sounds so familiar in your ears.
You lift your focus from the paper bag towards the owner of the voice.

The minute your eyes laid on the person, you felt like you forgot how to breathe.
You felt like your heart shattered like a piece of thin glass.
And suddenly you can't control the emotions in your body as the other pair of eyes staring at you. Tears started to pool at the corner of your eyes.

"Yoongi-ah, let's go or we'll be late." Another voice called him softly causing the break of the eye contact. But somehow the male stood still and stared at you without any more words.

"Yoongi-ah, do you know her?" The female asked him but somehow he ignored her question. He saw your eyes stared at the linked arms of his and the female. Before he could do anything, you quickly got yourself together and walked away.

"Wait!" He grabbed your arm which unfortunately was the one with a wound. You winced in pain which somehow caused him to flinch and let your arm go. With that, your face was already wet from your tears as you were restraining not only from the pain in your heart, but also the pain you felt on your upper arm. You can't even decide which one is the worst to be honest. You took that chance and ran far away from him. At this time, you don't even care about the eyes that stared. All you could think was that you just wanted to be in your apartment as soon as you could.

As soon as you went inside your apartment, you placed the paper bag on the kitchen counter and walked away towards your bedroom. You threw yourself on the bed, didn't bother to change your clothes as you were sobbing hard onto the pillow.

"How could you!" You sobbed as you punched the brown pushy.

"How could you do this to me!" Your voice stuffed in the pillow as you yelled on it. Your body shook as you cry harder. The pillow started to stain with your tears. The pain you felt in the arm was already gone but the other one didn't. You felt betrayed and being used.


Your phone vibrated as a new message came in. You were reluctant to read the message since you guessed it would be him texting some bullshit to you. But it didn't ring anymore which made you curious. That is because you thought there's gonna be multiples of texts. So you took your phone and rubbed your blurry wet eyes as you tried to read the incoming message.

"We just received the result of the evidence you sent.
Please come to the company tomorrow for more information."

And with that news, you wiped away your tears and decided to stop crying. Especially for the person who doesn't deserve to be cried over. Plus, you don't want to go to the company with puffy eyes. You were pretty sure that you weren't crying anymore, however the tears kept on falling onto your cheeks and your snot made it hard to breathe. You got up from the bed and went to the bathroom since you decided to have a warm bath to calm yourself.

After drying yourself, you took your phone as you decided to tell Bambam about the news. So you opened his chatroom and texted him. Right after you tapped the send button, you heard the doorbell rang.

Quickly again you got yourself up from the bed and walked towards the door. Weirdly there's no one at the door when you looked at the monitor screen, but there's something on your doorstep. You opened the door and saw a box of present. Not like any random box though, it's more like a birthday gift since it's wrapped with colored paper. Like a birthday gift.

You took a few steps outside and looked around to see if there's anyone in the hallway but it's empty. So you took the box inside and locked the door.

When you reached the living room, you sat down on the couch as you stared at the box in your hands. You were pretty sure it wasn't really a birthday gift since your birthday is not in for a few more months. And you're also pretty sure you didn't order anything online. Then you decided to unwrap it since the thoughts in your kind wouldn't give any answer anyway.

After you opened the lid, there was nothing but a piece of paper.

' That's weird for a big gift box', You thought. You took the paper with glued letters distant from each other. As if it was decorated from cuttings of old newspapers.  You flipped the paper just in case there was another writing on the back of the paper. Afterwards, you scrunched your forehead as you read the short text.



The suggested song above is really really good. It stuck in my head a while now 🥲😂

We're not meant to be like sleeping and cocaine
So let's at least agree to go our separate ways
Not gonna judge you when you're with somebody else
As long as you swear you won't be pissed when I do it myself
Let's end it like we should and say we're good

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