33 : New News

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Another day,  another life,  another news.
You came to the company as what you're told last night from the text message. You got out of your car and walked towards the entrance of the familiar building. It's really been awhile since the last time you step into the company. Even the receptionist, Mrs Lee, said that she missed seeing you walk through the entrance. You couldn't deny her though.
You walked straight towards the pathology department, where you met Nayeon at the counter, reading something on the papers.

"Heyya, pretty lady. Whatchu doin'?" You greeted her as you laid your arms on the counter. She flinched with the sudden voice and eyed you through her big round glasses.

"Y/N! Omo! It's been awhile!" She greeted you excitedly. She placed down the papers and held your hands firmly. You giggled at her excitement. You sure miss her a lot. You haven't stepped in this department longer than walking into the company. And it's understandable that you haven't seen her in a while. Even during lunch break, you didn't get the chance to see her around because of the difference in break time. Or maybe you just rarely go to the company's cafe.

"I think we have a lot of things to catch up on."
"Yeah, we do." You giggled. To be honest you just thought that you don't mind at all to spend time with her, rather than being alone in your apartment and think about-

"So... What's your business today?" She asked as she looked at the drawers of result papers that were organized neatly.

"If I'm not mistaken, Bambam sent it here three days ago. Blood evidence."

"Ahh~ Wait a sec." Nayeon went to her left side and returned with a paper in her hands. It's not like she works here alone, there are other staff around, busy doing their own work.

"To be honest, I don't know where you got this, but... here." She handed you the paper instead of reading it to you.
At first, you just scanned the words thoroughly but after you saw this one familiar word, you began to read the result again with wide eyes.

"This... This is... You..." You lost in your own words. "This is real, right?"
Nayeon nodded at your stupid question. Her face showed that she was confused as you are. Your thoughts were all over the place. You even thought of slapping your own face, just to make sure that you're not sleeping and you could wake up from this dream.

"Y/N..." Nayeon called you softly. "No matter what happens, just... just don't get your hopes up for now." She advised you as she held your hands. You threw your eyes towards her concerned face before you held her hands firmly and nodded. She's right.

After the shocking result, you walked towards Mr. J's office to report it to him, but according to his personal assistant, Mr. J was away for a few days and he didn't mentioned what business he's having. So you decided to find more evidence and tell him later on.
You stood in front of the entrance of the building, still in shock with the news. Then you shook your head, hoping that your thoughts will disappear for the time being. Just when you were about to take the second step towards your car, you bumped into a buff guy.

"I'm sorry." You bowed.
"Sorry." The guy bowed as he held his black baseball cap then both went on separate ways.
However, when you got into your car, your mind suddenly flooded with thoughts again.

'The crime scene was cleaned up and supposedly, the blood shouldn't be there.'

'Unless, it was placed afterwards. But how?'

'Come to think of it, the blood seems like a fresh one though...'

Then something clicked.
"No... It can't be." You gasped. Your hands quickly went to your mouth. You felt your throat becoming sore and the tears were starting to fill up your eyes. You quickly fished out your phone from your pocket and dialled the numbers before you put it against your ear. After about three rings, the other line answered.

"Bambam'' Your voice cracked. "Come over to my place. I need to tell you something." You said before you hung up the call. Then you turned the car key and ignited the engine before you drove away.

You walked towards your apartment room and something caught your attention.
Another gift box. But this time it was just a plain brown one.
You took it from the floor with a scrunched forehead, wondering who left it for you. The only person you suspected was the guy that just broke your heart. Maybe he was trying to be nice. Like he always did.

You unlocked your apartment door and let yourself in. You walked towards the living room before you placed the box and the result paper on the table. You took a glance at your wrist watch and according to your calculations, Bambam should be here in less than 10 minutes. You went into the kitchen and drank a glass of water since the latest news you received somehow makes you feel thirsty. And magically the cold drink soothes you down a bit. You walked back into the living room with the glass of water in your hand and sat onto the couch.

You stared at the brown box as you took another sip of the cold plain water, hesitating whether to open it now or later on. After a few minutes debating by yourself, you chose to open it since your curiosity won the debate. You put the glass aside and took the box onto your lap. You untie the ribbon's knot and lift up the closing. The first thing you saw was a plain white paper with the same random glued letters style, except this time it was written in different sentences.

"CoNgrATuLatiONs !
y0u fOunD iT !"

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. If Yoongi really did send it, what is he congratulating you for. You stared at your TV as you were trying to connect the puzzles. However, you failed to do so. So you went back rummaging the box as there were more things inside than the previous one. You took it out and it was some R4 printed pictures. The first one you saw was a picture of a person's hands. It has red with purple bruises around the wrists as if it was tied with a rope tightly. You barely see the nails but you were pretty sure that they were long and haven't been cleaned for a while now. You flipped the picture but there was nothing on the backside so you put it at the back of the pile and continued to examine the next picture. The next one was the leg. Although it was covered with torned pants but you saw blood dripping across the leg from the upper part. It seems like it was stabbed on the thigh. Not to mention the bruises. The third picture was the body.

'So it's a he.' You thought as you examined the picture.
To you he was really, really thin. You even wondered how long it had been for him to have a proper meal. You could see the bones were like had been wrapped with the skins. And also some purple bruises too. After you've examined the third picture, you flipped it and tried to look at the next one. Just with two seconds looking at the picture, you screamed with a high pitch voice as you accidentally released the pictures from your hands.

"Ahhhhhh!" Your hands quickly went to cover your mouth as you were so shocked with what you saw. Right then, a figure quickly ran towards you worriedly, followed by another two other figures. He was actually with the other two men when you called, so he had to bring them too since you sounded so urgent.

"Y/N! Are you alright?" Bambam held your body as he sat beside you. He was already in front of your apartment door when you screamed. Luckily, he already knew the password, so he quickly went inside without knocking on the door.

"It can't be... It can't... Just can't." You said that repeatedly.

"What is it, Y/N? What can't be?" Bambam held your face, making you look at him. You closed your eyes and a tear fell across your cheek. You pointed your finger towards the pictures which are already on the floor. Bambam released your face and crouched down to pick them up. His eyes widened as he too was shocked with what he just saw. The face was almost unrecognizable but still he knew who it was although it was full with blood and bruises. He flipped them one by one before the picture was grabbed by the other person.

"Shit! This is so fucked up." The other person stated. Then he passed to the other person in the room. The guy examined the picture front and back.

"Guys! It has an address and also time and date!" The third person voiced out. You looked at him and asked for the picture after you wiped your tears so that you could read the pen written words.

"Wherever it is, I'm going." You said as clenched your jaw.

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