5 : Suit up!

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Yoongi POV

"Taehyung-ah, are we in the right hallway?"

"Yep, hyung. In 5 metres, turn right. And please hyung. Not my real name." Taehyung explained through the earpiece.

"Sorry, Agent Kim." I said emotionless.

"Yah, Agent Min. I told you to believe me and yet here you are. Still doubting me." A man in front of me 'nagged' while leading us to the targeted destination.

"Do tell me, Agent Kim. Why are you so sure?" I asked the man in front of me while looking around to make sure no one saw us.

"I trust my Worldwide Handsome hunch." His windshield laugh could still be heard although it was not loud like he was used to have.

I sighed. Not that i was annoyed at him. Well, just a bit. Because he would always brought up the 'Worldwide Handsome' subject to everything. I'm sure that Jin hyung is not a narcissist. More like too much confidence in him. It's good to have a confident though.

We walked slowly along the hallway while holding our own rifles. After we turned right, we saw a door about 7 metres in front of us.

"Get inside. Then, you'll see another three doors. The room is on your 12 o'clock." Taehyung instructed.

"How many people we should expect, Agent Kim?" Another agent behind me asked Taehyung through his earpiece.

"Enough for the four of you to kick their butts, Agent Park."

"Roger that" The agent chuckled.

When we stood by the door, the fourth agent came to the door to hack the door's security system using the hacking gadget. In about 5 seconds, he successfully unlocked the door.

"Nice job, Agent Jung" Agent Park or should I say Jimin, complimented Hoseok as he patted his back.

"Ready your guns in three, lads" Jin hyung said. We all nodded.

"One, two.... Three"

Jimin slid the door to the side and Jin led us inside. Then, the sound of the fired bullets started.


Someone's POV

The sound of bullet firing can be heard in the room.

"Sir, we have some intruders."

"Yeah, i heard it Hoseung" I replied angrily. The boy lowers his head in embarrassment. I know they'll know about the USB but I wasn't expecting them to come here this early. Maybe they are well prepared than what I expected.

"Kill ‘em. And you, Mr Kang, after you're done, make sure you destroy the USB." I said as I got up from the chair. Walking out through the emergency exit that was built for this kind of situation.


Yoongi POV

After we went inside, we split into three. Jin hyung and Hoseok's on the 1st room on our right where as Jimin's in the left one, and I was on the 3rd room straight ahead.

"Agent Min, you better quick. I think they are copying the data from the USB." Taehyung warned.

"On my way." I replied while shooting the enemies and hid behind a concrete pillar.

As i was firing at the enemies, i saw the door of the 3rd room opened. About 4 more people came out. Before the door shut close, i saw the back of a man walking into a chamber. More like an emergency exit. He turned around for a moment. Although i was hiding behind a concrete pillar to protect me from the bullets, i could see his smirked face when i was firing at the enemies.

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