50 : The Witch's Cottage

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Yoongi groaned in pain. His neck was stiff due to the position of his body. His head has been hanging down for too long. And his body, arms and legs were tied against a metal chair. From the sore on his bum, he could guess that he's been out for a quite some time. The room he was in has no window or any kind of sign to indicate the time he had spent in that dark space. He tried to move his jaw as he felt numb on his left cheek. Guess that the punch the man gave him yesterday left a bruise on his face. Or maybe just a few hours ago. He lost count.

He didn't recognize the face of the men that beat them. And the dimmed light in the room didn't help much either. But if he was able to walk through the hallways and bump into a group of people, or all of them were gathered, he might be able to differentiate the face of the men that hit him.

He shook his head as he tried to clear his blurring sight before his gaze landed on a person about two meters on his right.

"Morning, sleeping beauty. Nice face."

Yoongi scoffed at the comment that was thrown at him.

"Pretty eyes, bro." He replied with a smug. At least he tried to.

"Awww, hyung. Thanks." The younger replied before both of them chuckled in amusement despite the sore on their body. However, their laughs were interrupted with the sound of multiple footsteps and a woman's muffled voice. Their best guess was that another person was captured too but they couldn't guess who's voice it belonged to as it sounds like her mouth was covered by some piece of clothes. It's a thing that can be expected in a situation like this, but to them, it was their first time listening to it.

The guilt slowly crept in their mind for not being able to save that person. But what just they could do with their body tied tightly against the chair. A sudden thought crossed his mind.

"Do you think he's able to escape?" Yoongi muttered as he stared up at the dark ceiling. Actually he wasn't sure if the ceiling was actually dark or it was gray due to insufficient lights in the room.

"He will. He has to." Namjoon tried to answer it confidently, although he's too unsure of the certainty of his friend being safe. Hope is the only chance and that makes them keep on surviving.

Before Yoongi could utter any other words with Namjoon, a sound of creaking and a door being pushed open distracted them. They had their eyes closed due to the amount of light coming inside the room before the door was closed again. Then, a sound of footsteps echoing across the room. Walking closer to the two tied men. As the dim light laid on the third person's face, Yoongi's eyes widened in shock.

"You!" Yoongi gritted his teeth and his jaw clenched as he was so furious with the appearance upon him. The man flashed his smirk and chuckled amusedly.

"Good evening, Agent Min."

"I still think this is a bad idea." Lisa's voice came through the speaker.

"You look amazing, cupcake." Jisoo's voice is now being heard through the speaker.

"She's right, Lisa. If I were a guy, I would have smacked you on your ass." Y/N speaks through the microphone that was connected to their earpieces as she watched them through the monitor in the van. Lisa and Jisoo were seated at the table prepared by the candy shop. To avoid being recognized, both Jisoo and Lisa wore alot of things as a disguise. Wigs, makeup, and most importantly contact lenses with the opposite color of their original color of their eyes. Instead of disguising as a BFF vibe, they're disguising as a lesbian couple. So Jisoo had to hold her hands with Lisa. They had to. And it was all Taehyung's idea. According to him, the bolder we act, the lower possibility for them to be recognized since people would avoid stares at them. And so far, it went well.

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