Chapter Forty-Six

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As soon as they landed and stepped out of the Bifrost Cassie looked at her sister "I feel like I'm going to be sick"

Astrid nods giving her sister a worried look "all right then let's get you to the palace." Astrid gets her sister to her room, Cassie sits the urn down on the desk in her room and drops her bag down on the bed, shedding the leather jacket.

Astrid looks at her sister who looks a little pale "I'm gonna go get Frigga and see if she can't see why you feel sick" Cassie nods, closing her eyes and laying back on the bed waiting on them to get back, while trying to push the nauseous feeling away.

Frigga looks at her oldest granddaughter as they walk into the room, "what happened?"

Astrid shakes her head, "I don't know, as soon as we stepped out of the Bifrost Cassie said she felt like she was gonna be sick."

The two walk up to the bed and Frigga looks at her youngest granddaughter "Cassie dear, I'm gonna need you to lay flat on your back so that I can see what's going on" Cassie listens and lays flat on her back on the bed moving the duffle bag to the other side of the bed.

Frigga using her magic holds her hands above the girl and closes her eyes holding her hands above her granddaughter trying to see what's going on with her, as soon as she senses it she smiles knowing exactly what's wrong with the girl.

She opens her eyes and Astrid looks at her, the worried look still in her eyes, "what's wrong with her?"

Cassie opens her eyes as Frigga answers her oldest granddaughter's question, "nothing is wrong with her, but Cassie"

The younger blonde looks her grandmother in the eye, "what is it?"

Frigga smiles at her, "you're pregnant."

Cassie looks her tears welling up in her eyes, "what?"

Frigga nods, "10 weeks from my reading... remember the vision that I said was going to happen? This was it I saw further into the vision than you did, you couldn't feel the effects of the pregnancy on Midgard because its yellow sun activates your Kryptonian physiology but when you stepped into the red sun here the effects you couldn't feel hit you, thus being why you started feeling sick."

Cassie bites her lip curling up on the bed trying not to cry and Astrid kissed her sister on the head, "I'll be back in a few minutes okay?"

Cassie nods at her and the two other women walk out of the room, Astrid follows Frigga back to her magic room "I should explain the situation that Cassie is in at the moment... Her soulmate is dead, I know about the ring and the people who killed him got it off him somehow and then murdered him, I haven't really left her side since it happened almost two weeks ago..... I know Cassie is gonna ask if there is something that can be done here to bring him back."

Frigga nods at her, "That makes sense as to why she seemed different from the last time she was here and there is only one person in the entirety of Asgard that has magic dark enough to be used for resurrection and there is no way that Odin will let Cassie near her... not that she would help anyway."

Astrid sighs, looking at her grandmother, "what are you going to tell Cassie when she asks?"

Frigga smiles, "I will tell her the truth that with the purity of Asgardian magic it can't channel the dark power needed to perform a resurrection."

Back in her room, Cassie gets up and walks over to the desk looking at the urn her arms resting on her stomach and just talking to it like she's talking to him "we're having a baby, and you're not here to experience it with me.... but I promise that I will not let anything happen to our baby I will love and protect it no matter what, this baby is now the only physical link I have to you besides, Nik, Bex, and Elijah"

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