Thundering Forest Part 2

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I looked at Levi questioning what he meant. "You two." He spoke.

"Yes??" Eren blinked.

"Spar, you two will spar."

'Seriously..?!' I had flashbacks of Eren being capable of beating the crap out of people. 'Ugh.....h-he won't right..?'

"___, prepare yourself." Levi's words snapped me back to reality. 

Eren not having a choice really, put out his fists. I could see in his eyes, that he didn't want to fight me.

"Start now." On Levi's orders, I came after Eren. He was unsure of how to approach me because he didn't want to hurt me.

I stuck out my leg trying to trip him. Eren easily slipped to the side, brought a hand down at me and shoved me backwards.

This was gonna be a hard fight.

( 10 min later)

I managed to knee Eren in the side of the face. Causing his nose to bleed. I felt horrible for what I did but Levi pushed us to do better. Forcing us to fight.

*Drip..* I see a drop of blood fall on the floor. Eren's blood.

"One more time___! give him one more." Levi called to me.

I shook my head, Eren was already beaten, I wasn't bleeding but I had some sore shins and back. Eren hit me quite a few times. Even threw me back against the ground. Though he never punched my face. He was holding back.

"NOw___! while he's down." Levi half ordered. I looked at poor Eren bleeding from his nose, he was panting, his emerald eyes focused on me.

I drop my arms, and back up, giving us space. I shake my head. " I can't...I'm done."

'Ha....thank you...' Eren mentally said. Though he didn't drop his guard fully.

Levi clicked his tongue and sighed. Seeing me shutter. He got off his stool and treaded towards me. I couldn't read the man's expression. Suddenly Levi bolted towards me, a switchblade in hand. "MH!" Levi grabs my wrist hard, and slams my back into the wall. "You got two seconds before the enemy stabs you!!"

Eren gasped from the back seeing Levi take it out on me for not finishing him off.

"Tch." I hissed in pain. Levi was serious, his silver eyes burned like fire. This shorted man than I had me stuck, forcing me backwards, and I had two seconds. Or who knows what he would do.

I quickly lifted up my foot ready to knee him in the gut.

"NO." *SLAM* He stepped on my foot, not letting me kick him. I quickly brought my other foot towards him. He only kicks it away, locking it with his. I couldn't move my feet.

'Damn.' I hissed.

There was only one thing that crossed my mind, and this was gonna suck. I threw my head forward. Knocking my head with Levi's.

We both hissed in pain.

"TCh..ahh...!" Just like that Levi dropped my arms and backed up. In less than a second, he tucked away that switch blade. I let out a sigh, feeling a sting in my back from getting slammed into the wall.

"Nicley done, did hesitate a bit. Could cost you later on." I listened to Levi's words but didn't look at him as I found a chair to sit on. I slumped down, wincing at the pain in my head. 'Ugh...I shouldn't have headbutted him.' 

I glanced at Eren he was sitting on the floor. Levi passed him cloth for his bloody nose.

The storm roared outside, it was getting late. I haven't said a word since Levi fought me. Eren was sleeping. I was half awake not able to sleep, while slumped in a seating position in the chair.

"Levi glanced at me from the corner he sat in." 'She hasn't moved from that spot for a while now....' He thought. It was almost starting to annoy him seeing me sit alone like that.


I heard the foggy voice of Levi

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I heard the foggy voice of Levi. I was drowning out so much sound I almost didn't hear him. " look like you are about to plop off that chair any minutes now. I'm not cleaning up your guts if you do."

I barely even shifted at his words, this began to worry him. 'She can't be that hurt, can she?'

"____, come over here." Levi's voice was a tad bit louder but softer. I finally lifted my head up a bit and glanced blankly at Levi.

'Finally a reaction.' He thought. Levi slightly held out his hand. "Come here, before you fall flat on your face."

"I'm.fine here," I said.

Levi rolled his eyes. "Like are, that does not look healthy at all." Standing up, Levi walked over to me. He grabbed my arm gently and began pulling me off the chair. "Now.." He whispered. By now he could tell something was wrong, I needed sleep. Not only that, maybe company. 

Levi sat back down on his chair and pulled a chair over next to him. "Sit." I sat down on the other chair. Levi sighed finally able to get me to move away from that pathetic corner. He grabbed my shoulder a bit and pulled me over sideways. Making me lay my head on his chest.

I was about to say something, but he cut me off. "Don't you dare say a word, now sleep," My eyes widen a bit, and I could hear his steady heartbeat.

I felt him place his head on top of my head carefully, remembering when I headbutted him. He knew it must have still hurt me, along with my back. "You did good today, now sleep." He whispered.

At the clean nice scent, I closed my eyes. It wasn't like him to be like this, it took a lot of years, and time for him to open to me like this.

My head hurts so much, but Levi's hand resting there made it feel a bit better.

'I'm sorry...if I hurt you, or worried you.' He thought. Tomorrow he would have to figure out a way to get us back. The training test he planned for us went well. Now as the leader, he needed to get us back. Least try.

- To Be Continued 🌹

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- To Be Continued 🌹

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