Meeting With Erwin and Hange Part 1

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(Enjoy! I still have so much to cover in this main book scenario.)

I fled with a weird feeling. I was happy that I would see Hange again, even Erwin. I still felt bad for leaving Levi behind with that man on the loose. Kenny.

Landing on the roof of a building I was surprised to see. Hange and Moblit there, sitting on the roof quietly.

My job was easier than I thought. Finding them that is.

"Hange. I whispered. Getting closer." Her bright chocolate eyes widen seeing me wave a fee meters away.

She smiled and waved at me. I glanced below to see what they were looking at. People, the MPs guarding this house across from Hange and Moblit.

"Hi, how are you?" The section commander greeted me.
"Im okay but lots has happened. What's going on, why are you hiding on the roof?"

"Erwin is inside that building. The MPs are guarding it. We wanted to relay some news to Erwin. Sobeys we are waiting for them to leave.

"We have some time still. Once we get inside you can tell us how things are going on your side of things." Moblit said.

I sighed knowing how much there was.

This was so boring, waiting for the jerks to leave. I had butterflies knowing we we're gonna have to visit the commander.

Hours past finally. We landed on the roof during sunset. Waiting a bit longer for the men to clear out. Bit by it they did.

"About time the basterds left." Hange sighed. Motioning to
Moblit and I. We dropped down onto a balcony and headed inside.

Seeking down to the floor Erwin on. Hanger and I shove the door open in perfect unison.

"Erwin we got trouble!!"
"Erwin!" I shout my voice with the same pitch as Hange

Practically startling the blonde commander.

(My other AOT book is Attack On Titan It All Started With Tea Levi Ackerman X Reader X HangeXErwin)

Attack On Titan BioHazard Hange X Reader X Erwin X LeviWhere stories live. Discover now